Soil for sowing seeds

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Soil for sowing seedshas a decisive influence on the success of seedling production. If we use a substrate with an inappropriate composition or contaminated with pathogens, germinating seedlings will not have a chance to survive. That is why the purchase or self-preparation of suitable soil for sowing seeds is so important. Seewhich soil for sowing seeds is the bestwhat should be included in the composition and what should be followed when choosing a soil for seedling production!

Soil for sowing seeds has a great impact on the success of seedling production

Already at the end of winter, you can start preparing seedlings of flowers and vegetables, which will then be planted in the garden or on the plot. The production of seedlings can be started, for example, on a window sill in small pots or specially purchased mini-greenhouses. The success of our sowing is largely influenced bythe choice of a suitable substrate for sowing

Soil for sowing seedsshould meet two basic conditions:

  1. Firstly,should be free from pathogensas young seedlings are very sensitive to soil pathogens. That is why sterilized substrates are usually used.
  2. Secondly, the soil should belight enough not to inhibit seed germination .
What sowing substrate meets both of these conditions?"

In most cases, thesoil for sowing seedsworks best with a substrate based on high peat with the addition of sand.Such a substrate will be sufficiently crumbled and light so that the seeds can germinate freely in it. The peat substrate is usually free from diseases and pests, thanks to which they will not threaten young seedlings.
Goodthe soil for sowing seeds should also containperlite. Perlite is a mineral of volcanic origin with a white shade. Affects the loosening, aeration and loosening of the substrate. It also easily stores and gives off water, which helps to maintain the constant moisture needed for sprouting seeds.
Another valuablesoil additive for sowingis powdered charcoal. It makes the substrate not too compact, and also acts as a disinfectant, reducing the incidence of the so-called seedlings. black leg, i.e. seedling gangrene. Unfortunately, it is rarely found in ready-made seedbeds.
The soil for sowing should not betoo rich, because young seedlings emerging from seeds are very sensitive to excess nutrients.However, it is necessary to enrich the substrate with phosphorus, which facilitates the rooting of plants. If our substrate is not enriched with phosphorus, it is worth using a starter fertilizer, eg Microstar PZ. For the production of vegetable and flower seedlings, it is used in the proportion of 3-5 g of fertilizer per 10 liters of substrate. We can safely sow seeds on such a substrate, both flowers and vegetables.
If the above-described procedure of preparing the substrate for sowing seems too complicated, we do not have all the necessary ingredients or we simply do not waste time, it is worth it. buyready soil for sowing seeds- properly decontaminated, with a balanced composition and enriched with starter fertilizers for germinating seedlings. Such land at a favorable price can be ordered in our store. To see the offer, press the button below! "


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