Sowing grass on the existing lawn. A simple way to refill!

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Sowing grass on the existing lawnshould be carried out meticulously to ensure a dense and green space in the garden. Getting rid of thinning lawn areas or holes is now easier than ever. Meeta simple way to top up , thanks to which your lawn will be dense, even and lush green again. And in a surprisingly short time!

Sowing grass on the existing lawn

Sowing grass on the existing lawnis usually done after winter, when after the snow melts, unsightly holes appear - bald patches without grass or where the grass has dried.But that's not the only reasonwhen we reach for seedingSometimes the grass just doesn't sprout evenly when setting up the lawn, or it becomes too thin over time. The lawn can also be harmed by grass diseases or soil pests, such as a mole.

Sowing grass on an existing lawn can be done in two ways:

  • traditional, consisting in sowing the same mixture of grass seeds from which the lawn was originally sown
  • more innovative, Sowing grass SAMO thickening

Which method is better and under what circumstances?

Sowing grass on the existing lawn

Traditional sowing

Usuallythe recommended way to sow grass on an existing lawnis to continue seeding with the same grass seed mixture from which the lawn was originally sown. Thanks to this, after emergence, the entire lawn should look similar and grow at the same pace.
If we sow the grass in the traditional way , we start this activity by loosening the stripped places with a pitchfork, and then scattering the ready-made garden soil and carefully raking it. Successively sow the grass and cover the sown seeds with a thin layer of soil, gently raking the substrate. At the endwe water the places of adding grass intensively

This method, although usually recommended, has some disadvantages. Firstly,losses in the grass may have arisen in places unfavorable for the growth of grass , e.g. in shaded or frequently trampled areas. If our current grass did not grow well in these places,adding the same seeds will causethat the losses will reappear after some time. Therefore, it would be worth sowing grass that is more resistant, appropriate to a given place or conditions.
Sometimes we may also wantthe effect of seeding to be visible very quicklyor we simply do not remember which seeds the lawn was originally sown.And even more so, we won't know it if the lawn was set up from a roll!
In such situations, it is worth reaching forspecial grass seeds for filling losses in turfA good example of this type of grass seed mixture is the REGINA filling grass. These are good quality, proven grass seeds from a reputable manufacturer, available at an affordable price.

Sowing of SELF-thickening grass

If we want to achieveeven better and faster seeding effect , it is worth using last year's novelty, which isSubtral Self-thickening grassIt contains seeds specially selected grass that grows with the help of underground rhizomes. As a result, the lawn will compact itself spontaneously, and new tufts of grass continue to grow next to the already growing tufts. Importantly, SAMO grass works well in the Polish climate, it is more frost-resistant and grows faster than regular grass.Thanks to thisthe effect of the additional seeding can be seen very quickly

Is Substral Self-Compaction Grass Worth The Price?I sowed this grass in my own garden to find out. There, I had a lawn set up by the developer, very thinned out, with numerous problems, as I write in more detail in the article Self-thickening grass Substral. Opinion from my own garden!The first photo shows my lawn from spring 2019, before sowing Substral grass. The second photo is the same lawn 5 months after sowing the self-thickening grass. Judge for the effect of this addition: -)

Comparison of the lawn before and after sowing self-compacting grass. Test in 2019
Fig. ©

More Lawn Care Secrets


If you need more information onhow to properly care for your lawn , we recommend the fantastic book Beautiful Trawnik.Valued specialists in beautiful turf reveal in itall the secrets of setting up and caring for lawnsFrom proper soil preparation for sowing grass, through choosing the right lawn mixture, to step-by-step instructions on how to set up and care for a lawn.
After reading this book, you will find thatthere is a solution to every problem with your lawnYou just need to learn about it. And everything you need to know is in this book: -) "

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