Pirimor 500 WG - how to use, grace period, price

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Pirimor 500 WGis a known insecticide used to protect plants against aphids. Seehow to use Pirimor 500 WGin orchards, fields and seedling production and whatPirimor 500 WGgrace period applies to specific fruit and vegetable crops. Here are the most important information regarding the use of Piriomor 500 WG.

Pirimor 500 WG is used to combat aphids

Piriomor 500 WG is a contact insecticide(insecticide) used to control aphids in fruit and vegetable crops and ornamental plant nurseries.It is sold in the form of granules for the preparation of an aqueous suspension. It is applied in the form of spraying with the use of orchard and field sprayers. It has a systemic effect on the plant, i.e. it penetrates the plant tissues and is distributed along its entire surface with the juices.

Pirimor 500 WG - how to use

We use Pirimor 500 WGfor spraying fruit trees, field vegetable crops and seedlings of coniferous and deciduous trees. Pirimor 500 WG works best at temperatures above 15 ° C and is used temporarily - in the event of a pest.

Note!During one growing season, we can perform a maximum of 1 treatment with Pirimor 500 WG. This preparation should be used interchangeably with other insecticides containing active substances belonging to other chemical groups (other than carbamates and organophosphates) in order to prevent the phenomenon of pest resistance.

When performing the treatments, wear protective clothing and protective masks to protect the eyes and respiratory tract. Whenspraying with Pirimor 500 WG , avoid accidental spraying of plants from neighboring crops.

1. Pirimor 500 WG - use in orchards
ThePirimor 500 WG preparation is usedin apple orchards for spraying apple trees against apple aphid. We perform the treatments when we observe pests on trees. The recommended dose per 1 ha is 0.4 kg dissolved in 500-750 l of water, which corresponds to 4 g of the agent in 5-7.5 l of water per 100 m2.
2. Pirimor 500 WG - vegetable protection
Pirimor 500 WG is used in the cultivation of head cabbage in order to protect against cabbage aphid.Spray cabbage with Pirimor 500 WGafter the appearance of the pest. The recommendeddose of Pirimor 500 WGper 1 ha of cabbage is 0.3-0.45 kg dissolved in 300-600 l of water.In smaller cultivation areas, the dose should be proportionally reduced to 3-4.5 g of the agent in 3-6 l of water per 100 m². When spraying headed cabbage with Pirimor 500 WG, a wetting agent should be added to the mixture, eg Superam 10AL (dose 50 ml / 100 l of working liquid). The wetting agent increases the adhesion and prevents the running liquid from running off the wax-coated leaves.
3. Pirimor 500 WG - use in nurseries of coniferous and deciduous trees
MeasurePirimor 500 WG is also applicableto control aphids on coniferous and deciduous tree seedlings in forest nurseries. The preparation should be applied in the amount of 0.40 kg / ha.

Pirimor 500 WG - grace period

The withdrawal period for plant protection products is the time that must pass from the last spraying to the harvesting of fruit or vegetables in order to avoid poisoning.
The grace period for Pirimor 500 WG is :

  • apple tree - 7 days,
  • head cabbage - 3 days.

Pirimor 500 WG - price and available packages

The insecticide Pirimor 500 WGis available in 1 kg packages and is sold in specialized wholesalers of plant protection products. When purchasing the product, you must have a certificate of completed training in the use of plant protection products with sprayers.The price of a Pirimor 500 WG 1kg packageranges from PLN 220-250.
In home and allotment gardens, other aphidicides should be selected, available in small packages for amateur use, e.g. , ready-to-use aerosol), Confidor 200 SL, Decis 2.5 EC, Fastac 100 EC, Karate Zeon 050 CS, Mospilan 20 SP or Pirimix New AE.


MSc Eng. Agnieszka Lach

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