Appetite for pumpkins

The author of the text is dr inż. Sylwia Winiarska

Pumpkins came to us fromAmericaAbout 30 species are known, but only a few are of economic importance. We growpumpkin giantCucurbina maxima andpumpkin ordinaryCucurbita pepo with its botanical varieties -zucchini ,squash ,patisonem ,pumpkin pastaandshellless

Pumpkins are annuals,herbaceousThey have strongly developed and fairly shallow roots, and long, creeping shoots, although there are alsovarieties bushy(eg. zucchini ). Rough leaves grow on hollow shoots - quite large,heart-shapedorlobedStems lying on the ground easily put out adventitious roots, which help to fix the plant better in the ground and additionally take water from the soil.

Flowers appear from June to September, they are large, owarm yellow colorfrequented by insects.Ripe fruitcan be orange,yellow ,cream ,green ,uniformormulti-coloredand the skin surfacesmoothorribbedTheir size ranges from several grams toseveral dozenkilograms(even up to over 100 kg). The seeds are large,flat ,spindly , contain a lot ofvaluable fat

Growing a pumpkin in the garden

In our climatic conditions, a pumpkin is grown by sowing seeds directly intosoilor fromseedlingsgrown in greenhouse conditions.Seeds are sown in the beds after mid-May, becauseminimum the temperatureof growth of this plant is 8-10 ° C and when theriskpasses frostsIt is best to sow 2-3 seeds (approx. 3 cm deep) in one nest, and leave one strongest after emergenceseedling,removing otherPlants of species and varieties of creeping habit should grow at a spacing of about 100x150 cm, while for bushy pumpkins a spacing of 100x80 cm is enough.

Pumpkin likessoil fertile , fertilized in autumnmanure ,permeableandwarmRequires a lot of water during the growing season. Until the plants grow and coverarea beds , cultivation must besystematically weedand loosen the soil in the inter-rows shallow. We cansupport the pumpkin with fertilizers mineral(in June and July), e.g. ammonium nitrate ammonium s alt

Why is it worth eating pumpkins?

Pumpkin fruit flesh islow in calories(approx. 20-30 kcal / 100g), contains easily digestible sugars. It contains a large set of vitamins (provitamin A, B1, B2, C, PP) ands altmineral ,phosphorus,potassium ,iron ,zincandseleniumPumpkin fruits have no tendency to accumulatenitratesandmetals heavyPumpkins and squash are madejuices ,purees ,marinades , evenpreservesFresh fruit they are suitable for cream soup, they can be stewed or fried. The seeds without a seed shell are eatenfresh ,driedorroastedand added to the bread.

Pumpkin seeds are rich in phytosterolsoil helpfulin anti-atherosclerotic prophylaxis. The seeds are used to prepare preparations against inflammation of the urinary system and help in the treatment of the prostate in men. Medicine naturalrecommends using a pumpkin pulp mask to care for dry and problematic skin (acne).

How to check if it's time for pumpkin picking?

Wmid Augustwe can pinch out the creeping shoots of the pumpkin - above the second leaf, above the last fruit produced. Then the already developed ripening fruit will bebiggerandbetter qualitySo that they do not get dirty from the ground and color nicely, it is worth placing pieces of non-woven fabric, straw or other materials underneath them.

Zucchini fruits,squashandpatisonharvest every few days, when they are small (overgrown, they are less tasty), cut the giant pumpkin into September and October, when the fruit is fully ripe.

The color of the skin changes to intense (depending on the variety), and when tapping the fruit makes a hollow, hollow sound. In cool rooms, they can be stored for several months without losing their valuable values.Thanks to creepingshootsandwhiskerssticky cucurbits can be grown on vertical structures, nets and fences.

They will effectively cover the uninteresting views behind them, and it will be easier to pick the fruit. Condition: the supports must be stable and durable.

Decorative pumpkins

A variety of fruitof pumpkins can decorate your home and garden throughout autumn and winter. They diversify the look ofterraces ,balconies ,kitchen , especially in therustic style andnaturalEdible and ornamental varieties of pumpkins are more and more often present at stalls, markets and exhibitions.

In addition to edible varieties of pumpkins, it is worth growing plants with ornamental fruits. They are small, of various shapes and colors, with a different skin texture. They are not suitable for consumption, but have great decorative value. You can buy seeds of such varieties as: 'Warted Mix' (warty), 'Sweet Dumpling Mix' (green-white, ribbed), 'Turkish Turban', 'Sultan Turban' (white with an orange "beret"), 'Korona Cierniowa' (with appendages at the edges).

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