Lavender - properties, garden cultivation, cutting, reproduction

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Lavender(Lavandula) is an evergreen shrub native to the Mediterranean. Thanks to its charming blue flowers, wonderful aroma and the availability of interesting ornamental lavender varieties, this plant is more and more often found in our gardens. Seewhat properties lavender has , what are the possibilities of its use and what it looks likegrowing lavender in the gardenIn a moment you will learn how to buylavender seedlings , how to plant them, is it possiblegrowing lavender from seedsand what it looks likepropagating and cutting lavender

Lavender - Lavandula

Lavender - properties and application

Lavender, associated mainly with lavender fields in French Provence, is more and more often used in Polish gardens. It is hardly surprising, since theproperties of lavenderdecorative, cosmetic and healing are valued.
The decorative qualities are determined bylavender flowers , which we can admire from mid-June to September. They are placed on long and thin stalks, they can sway gently in the wind, spreading an intoxicating scent. Most often they are blue or purple in color, but depending on the species andlavender varieties , flowers can also be white or pink.

The cosmetic properties of lavenderare mainly related to the influence of lavender oil on skin lesions. The substances contained in it, such as cineole, geraniol, limonene, sabinene, support scarring and treatment of various types of skin lesions.The high content of tannins (compounds with astringent and drying properties) supports the treatment of skin damage, e.g. burns or abrasions. Lavender infusions support the absorption of hematomas and bruises. Thus, we reachhealing properties of lavenderIn addition to treating skin lesions, lavender oil used for inhalation can support the treatment of colds, bronchitis and tonsillitis. Lavender flower infusions have a diaphoretic and warming effect.
The properties of lavenderare also used in the kitchen. Lavender flowers and leaves, due to their digestive aid properties, are an excellent seasoning for hard-to-digest dishes - fatty meats and desserts. On hot summer evenings, both in garden beds and grown in pots on balconies and terraces, lavender is used as an effective method for mosquitoes in the garden. Its scent can also repel clothing moths.
As if that were not enough, lavender is also a great plant that repels ticks and repels ants.As it turns out, what looks beautiful and smells wonderful for us is not liked by bothersome insects. Alavender is one of the few plants that affect such a wide spectrum of nuisance insectsOf course, planting 1 or 2 lavenders will not solve the problem, but if we plant, for example, a whole row of lavender around the terrace or plant other plants next to it repelling insects, we can significantly reduce the number of mosquitoes, ticks or ants.

How to buy good lavender seedlings?

Lavender in our climatecan get sick or freeze quite easily. Therefore, it is very important to choose not only he althy and strong plants for cultivation, but alsoselection of the species and variety of lavender , which will do well in our garden. Although there are over 50 species and varieties of this plant known, the best climate for our climate isnarrow-leaved lavender(Lavandula angustifolia), sometimes also called English lavender, which grows up to 70 cm in height.However, it is also worth paying attention to other species and varieties, such as, for example, French lavender, if only because small-sized and slow-growing plants work better in container cultivation (here, too, we can often afford to move the containers to protected rooms during the winter). before frost), and in the compositions on the garden beds we can plantvarieties of lavenderof different colors of flowers.
Good qualitylavender seedlings , likewise like many other plants, let's look directly at nurserymen or in garden stores, where the plants are properly cared for, described with the name of the species and varieties, with a known source of origin. Let's pay attention to whether the plants look too dry or, on the other hand, excessively damp. Too intensively wateredlavender seedlings , kept in the long-term shade of storage rooms (which often happens in warehouses in large-format stores) may have damaged roots and, after purchase, they will start to waste quickly.

Lavender - growing in the garden

In order to ensuresuccess in growing lavender , it is necessary to prepare an appropriate position that reflects the natural conditions in which lavender occurs. First of all, it must be a very sunny position (a southern or western slope will be good) with light, well-drained, alkaline soil, pH 6.5 - 7.5, moderately rich in nutrients.
The lavender growing siteshould be airy, as lavender requires good air circulation. Therefore, plants should not be planted in excessive densities or in depressions of the terrain, where it is too humid and the terrains are excessively sheltered from the wind. In such conditions, lavender is easily susceptible to fungal diseases. The plant is also not favored by too heavy, loamy soil. Thereforebefore planting lavenderthe soil should be loosened by adding sand and well-decomposed compost (to mix them, dig the soil with these additives with a spade).
Although lavender likes soil that is not too wet, it is important to water your plants regularly during periods of drought, especially with newly planted plants. Remember not to sprinkle the leaves and flowers, and to deliver water directly to the ground. In the case ofgrowing lavender in potsand balcony boxes, the plants should be watered frequently but only with small amounts of water, so that the lavender never stays in the wet soil, but also that the soil in the pot is not completely dry for a long time time.

Pruning and harvesting lavender

Cutting lavenderis an important care treatment in the cultivation of this plant. There are two types of pruning - nursing (forming) pruning and flowering bouquets.
To obtain dense and regular plants, they should be cut each year in the fall, shortening the shoots in half. The basicterm for a lavender forming cutis September. Sometimes, however, in extremely favorable, warm weather, in which lavender repeats flowering, the cutting date can be delayed.It is important, however, to complete all care cuts at least 4 weeks before the first frosts arrive. Lavender trimmed too late will be exposed to freezing.

Lavender - truncated shoots with inflorescences

CareLavender cutting in springis not recommended due to possible damage to flower buds that are just setting. Therefore, we risk that the flowering of lavender will be much weaker.
Another issue islavender harvest , i.e. cutting flower shoots for bouquets. This cut should be done at the beginning of flowering, thanks to which the lavender bouquets will be durable and will allow you to enjoy the lavender aroma for a long time.

Lavender propagation

Lavender propagationis done by sowing seeds, cuttings or layering.
Lavender seedsintended for sowing, we can buy or obtain them ourselves, harvesting from our own cultivation.Remember, however, that seedlings usually do not repeat the varietal characteristics and this method allows us to reproduce mainly pure species. Lavender seeds are harvested when they are dry and black (ripe) and sown in boxes in April. It should be remembered here that it is necessary to prepare the seeds pre-sowing by cooling them for several weeks. Sow the seeds in a projection and lightly cover with sand. Emergence can be expected after approximately 6 weeks. Leave the plants until the next spring in a quiet place, adequately covered. In order to branch out, it is worth removing them. Place young lavenders in their permanent place in autumn.
Pohighest quality lavender seedsvisit our guide. To see the offer, press the image below: -)

Lavender propagation from cuttingsis the primary method of reproducing narrow-leaved lavender varieties and hybrids (Lavandula x intermedia).The bestdate for collecting lavender seedlingsis the end of summer - from the second half of August to the beginning of September. Cut he althy and strong shoots for the cuttings, and the cut should be a section already woody with a slightly brown color. The seedling is also cut from the top so that the excess leaves do not cause too much water loss when the plant has no roots yet and cannot take it up from the soil. Before planting into the ground, it is worth immersing the lower tips of the cuttings in the rooting agent. After planting, the plants are watered with a fine stream of water and covered with agrotextile to create a space between plants with increased air humidity.
The last recommended way ispropagating lavender by layeringTo do this, choose the longest possible shoot of lavender and bend it, fixing it to the ground with, for example, a U-shaped wire. In the next year new roots will grow and the decay can be cut from the mother plant. It can be transplanted to a new place in the fall.

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