Dusty witch hazel Hamamelis mollis
description:plant from China, in our conditions most often cultivated as a shrub growing up to 4 m high, with a loose crown and weakly branched shoots, leaves quite large (up to several cm long), in autumn beautifully discolored golden-yellow, flowers are fragrant, yellow, reddish at the base, fringed, appear before the leaves develop, there are also varieties with larger and more intensely colored flowers - yellow, orange or copper,
flowering period:February to April,
requirements:sunny or semi-shaded positions, sheltered from winds, fertile, slightly acidic soils,
frost resistance:zone 6A, especially young plants should be protected for the winter,
reproduction:sowing seeds in autumn (germination can take up to two years!), By layering or by grafting,
Witch hazel Hamamelis virginiana
description:shrub with a loose habit and erect shoots, grows slowly, growing up to 2 to 3 m in height, leaves quite wide, oval, in autumn they change color to intense yellow, small yellow flowers,
flowering period:October to November,
requirements:sunny position, slightly acidic soil, frost-resistant,
reproduction:sowing seeds in autumn (germination can take up to two years!), By layering or by grafting,
bush habit
More: Witch hazel - properties, application, cultivation
Paulownia fluffy Paulownia tomentosa
description:tree forming a broad, spherical, fairly low crown, very large leaves (up to half a meter long), with a heart-shaped base, light purple flowers gathered in large, 30 cm high panicles on the tops of the shoots, in autumn ovoid, bulbous inflorescences remain on the tree for quite a long time, up to 15m high,
flowering period:May,
requirements:the plant freezes easily, grown in warmer regions, mainly in the west of Poland, requires a warm and sheltered position, fertile, permeable and moist soil,
frost resistance:flower buds set in the fall of the previous year, and it is they who can suffer the most from frost, special care should be taken for young specimens, because their fast-growing young shoots will not have time to lignify before the early winter in spring, cut out shoots damaged by frost,
reproduction:in winter we take cuttings from the suckers, seeds can be sown in autumn or spring under glass,
Potentila fruticosa shrubby cinquefoil
description:long and profusely blooming yellow or orange shrub, approx. 1 m high, recommended for low hedges
flowering period:May, June
requirements:sunny position, dry, alkaline or neutral soil, pruning is done in March, removing old and weak shoots completely, remaining shoots shortened by about 20 cm,
frost resistance:high, zone 3,
reproduction:by semi-woody cuttings collected in late summer,
bush habit
More: Shrubby cinquefoil - varieties, cultivation, cutting, reproduction
Japanese quince Chaenomeles japonica
description:thorny shrub, brick-red flowers, very ornamental, densely mottled fruit, walnut-sized, edible, approx. 1 m high,
flowering period:April, May
requirements:sunny or semi-shaded position, dry, alkaline or neutral soils, tolerates urban air pollution,
frost resistance:sufficient, zone 5A,
reproduction:possible from seeds, but in order to obtain plants that retain the features of garden varieties, grafting is necessary,
Bloodcurrant Ribes sanguineum
description:shrub with dark green leaves, decorative flowers, light pink to blood red, 1.5 to 2 m high, looks good when planted individually on a green background,
flowering period:April, May,
requirements:sunny or semi-shaded position, medium hardiness, because it blooms poorly on four-year-old and older shoots, such shoots should be cut in early spring, close to the ground,
frost resistance:zone 6A,
reproduction:from woody cuttings harvested in autumn,
More: Red currant - cultivation, varieties, reproduction
Prusznik Ceanothus griseus
description:shrub with a loose crown, dark green leathery leaves, intense blue flowers,
flowering period:late spring or early summer,
requirements:sunny position, fertile, well-drained soils,
frost resistance:cultivate in the ground only in the warmest parts of the country, in places sheltered from cold winds, cover for winter,
reproduction:from non-woody cuttings,
Robinia acacia Robinia pseudoacacia
description:tree with regular crown reaching 10 to 12 m in height, perfect for single plantings, leaf composed of 19-21 elliptical leaves, old twigs bent, shoots covered with thorns, white fragrant flowers attract bees , acacia honey is valued for its taste, which is why this plant is often planted in the vicinity of apiaries,
flowering period:June,
requirements:sunny and warm position, sandy, medium moisture, alkaline soils,
frost resistance:zone 5A, resistant to frost and drought, although exposed to cold winds and planted in too heavy and moist soil, it may freeze,
reproduction:the easiest way from root suckers, you can also sow seeds (only species, because the seedlings do not retain varietal characteristics) and by grafting,
Sea buckthorn Hippophae rhamnoides
description:thorny shrub with inconspicuous flowers and orange-yellow, juicy, edible fruits, rich in vitamin C, which are an attractive decoration of the plant in autumn, narrow, lanceolate, silver-gray leaves, attention - a dioecious plant for it to bear fruit, it is necessary to plant at least two plants in the vicinity (male and female), up to 8 meters high,
flowering period:from April,
requirements:sunny position, low soil requirements mean that it can be cultivated on any plot, also on very poor soils, by cutting the lower twigs of a young plant, you can get the form of a tree,
frost resistance:high, zone 4,
reproduction:sowing seeds in early autumn or by root suckers separated in late autumn or early spring,
More: Sea buckthorn - cultivation, healing properties, use