Lawn sandblastinginvolves sprinkling the surface of the turf with a thin (approx. 5 mm) layer of sand or other material. Properly done, it brings many benefits and is necessary for the regeneration and proper development of the grass root system. Seewhat is lawn sandblastingand why you should sand your lawn. In a moment you will find outwhich sand to useandwhen to sand your lawnOur tips will help you keep your lawn young and he althy.
Sandblasting the lawn
The secrets of sandblasting the lawnis revealed to us by MSc. Agnieszka Lach, a graduate of the Faculty of Environmental Management and Agriculture at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. On a daily basis, she is professionally involved in the care and arrangement of plants. The author of many interesting tutorial articles on gardening and an expert on the gardening forum.
The goal of lawn sandblastingis to improve the physicochemical properties of the soil. Sand increases the permeability and porosity of the substrate, loosens the top layer on compact clay soils, creating better conditions for root development, and facilitates the penetration of air, water and fertilizers into the root zone. Thanks to the porous structure of the sand, we avoid water stagnation, which in turn helps to get rid of moss from the lawn. In addition, the sand fills in any unevenness, thanks to which it smoothes the surface of the turf. It also becomes more resilient.
The lawn is sandblasted with dry river sandwith a grain thickness of 0.5-0.8 mm. Sand can be mixed with auxiliary material. It can be, for example, finely divided garden peat, compost, clay or powdered chalk.
Each of the above-mentioned add-ons has different functions. The addition of peat and compost supplies the soil with easily digestible nutrients. Clay improves the structure of light, sandy soils. We add powdered chalk to raise the pH of acidic soils, which replaces the liming of the lawn.Sandblasting can also be combined with mineral fertilizationby adding loose fertilizer to the sand. We set the proportions of the mixture individually according to the current needs of our lawn.
For an area of 100m² an average of about 0.1-0.15 m³ is used, that is about 300-500 kg of sand mixed with other ingredients (fertilizers, chalk etc.).The sand is spread over the entire lawn , previously mown and perfectly dry, with a shovel, and then spread evenly with a dense rake.
An interesting alternative isusing zeolite for sandblastingIt is a material of natural origin. It is obtained from zeolite rocks, the largest deposits of which are in Ukraine. Like sand, zeolite improves soil structure and facilitates rooting of the food. The main advantage of zeolite is that it binds water in rain and gives it back during drought. It also has antiseptic properties, which reduces the development of diseases.
To get the best results,lawn sanding once per seasonThere is no specific time limit for sanding - it can be done at any time. However,it is best to sand the lawn in late summer(August-September), during the period of intensive development of grass roots, after aeration and scarifying treatments. Thanks to aeration and scarifying, the turf is loosened and the grains of sand can move freely in the root zone.If we do not fill the aerated holes with sand, they will close together and we will lose the intended effect of this treatment.
Sandblasting the lawn is not always beneficial.If our lawn was established on very light, sandy and dry soils or on a slope, then sandblasting is not necessary. Excessively loosened soil in summer will not bind a sufficient amount of water, so our lawn will dry out very quickly. On the other hand, sandblasting lawns on slopes may cause them to slide down.
MSc Eng. Agnieszka Lach
If you need more information onhow to properly care for your lawn , we recommend the fantastic book Beautiful Trawnik. Valued specialists in beautiful turf revealall the secrets of setting up and caring for lawnsFrom proper soil preparation for sowing grass, through choosing the right lawn mixture, to step-by-step instructions on how to set up and care for a lawn.
After reading this book, you will find thatthere is a solution to every lawn problemYou just need to acquire the knowledge you need in this area. And everything you need to know is in this book: -) "