Rose leaf curlis a fairly common symptom. It can be caused by both pest attack and fungal disease. Only the correct identification of the symptoms accompanied by the curling of rose leaves will allow you to choose the right way to deal with this problem. Seewhy rose leaves curland how to help ailing shrubs. Here are the 3 most commoncauses of rose leaf curl !
Rose leaf curl: (1) rose nut, (2) cigar-maker, (3) powdery mildew
Curl of rose leaves along the main nervemay cause a pest - rose nymph (Blennocampa phyllocolpa). In the period from May to June, adult females of this Hymenoptera lay eggs on the underside of rose leaves, and then puncture the tissue near the central vein, which causesthe edges of the leaf blade to curl inwards into a characteristic rollW from June to July and even August, the larvae hatching from the eggs feed on the soiled leaves. The larvae are whitish, then greenish, and can reach up to 1 cm in length. Damaged leaves may turn yellow and fall prematurely, but this is not always the case.
From May to June, insecticides can be used against adult rose nymphs. Spraying is performed with such preparations as: Karate Zeon 050 CS or Decis 2.5 EC. Later, the spraying is not very effective, because the larvae feeding in the rolled rose leaves are hidden and the insecticides do not reach them.Therefore, the basic method of combating rose nimule isremoving rolled leaves with larvae feeding in them(cut leaves are best burned).
The curling of rose leaves into cigarsis caused by the cigar-trader pest (Byctiscus betulae). Although it is better known as a pest of alder, birch, hornbeam, beech, apple, poplar, pear, hazel and hawthorn, it also does not despise roses. As a result of feeding this beetle on the leaves of roses in spring, you can observe wounds in the form of intermittent arches, which contributes totwisting the leaves into loose cigars , or twists. After the cigars are made, the female lays eggs in them. The larvae that lie out eat the leaf. "
The control of the cigar-maker on roses is primarilyremoving curled leaves with eggs or larvae of the pest . Spraying on roses is usually not necessary, as the pest is not abundant in these shrubs.
Deformation andcurling of rose leaf edges downwards or upwardsmay cause fungal disease - powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca pannosa var. Rosae). As a result of mildew infection in spring, a white mealy mycelium coating appears on the youngest leaves, buds and shoots of roses. It may darken and turn gray over time. The most affectedrose leaves wrinkle, their edges curl downwards or upwards and turn red
The parts of the plant infected with powdery mildew are best cut and burned, and the whole bush should be sprayed preventively with Biosept Active, which stimulates the plant's resistance to diseases. In the case of severe infestation, spraying with fungicides such as: Stopoper AE or Topsin M 500 SC will help in the fight against powdery mildew.
Protection measures useful incombating diseases and pests of rosesyou can order in our store.We guarantee high quality products, low price and fast shipping. To view the availableRose Care Products , please press the button below.