We enjoyedwith their with flowersall summer long. Nowexotic plantsin containers such as oleander and Chinese rose should end up in winter quarters to safely survive the coldest in year months.
Most species have modest requirements. Fuchsia,agapanthus, nightshadeor lemon should be under the roof before the first frost.Good wintering conditions in a bright room with a temperature of 8-12 ° C. We cannot always provide an optimal position, but plants can adapt toless friendlyenvironment Shrubs shedding leaves, such asBrugmanja ,figor pomegranate, can even be placed in a dark cellar with temperatures below 10 ° C for the winter.
Plants sensitive to cold, such ashibiscus , marshmallow,bananaandtunbergia, end the outdoor season as soon as the temperature drops below 10 ° C. Specimens from the tropics have the advantage that they tolerate warm surroundings well in winter. A verygood place winteringfor them, for example, moderatelywarm guest room They will also survive in theliving roomorliving room,if only we provide them with a place right next to a bright window. Plants should be kept away fromcentral heating radiators,as dry air promotes the growth of pests. At temperatures above 12 ° C, many of them remain active and reproduce. Therefore, the plants should be inspected regularly andimmediately combat appearing out pests.
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Drzewko Cytnowe (Photo: Fotolia.com) |
Light frost is not serious. This is true of most Mediterranean specimens, such asoleander, olive, laurel, rosemary, fig,as well as dwarf palm andhemp.They can they remain on the terrace until the air temperature drops below -5 ° C. The plants in containers transferred to the room will not only bemore hardened,but the period of their stay in littlenatural wintering conditions will also be shorter.Cold, non-freezing is ideal a place with a temperature of 0-5 ° C. The plants' need for light decreases as the temperature drops inin the winter room.
Remember to water regularly!The substrate in the containers should not dry out completely, even when the water demand is very low.Water the plants sparingly and wait until the top layerlayer soil drywater in a cold room we deliver plants every 3-5 weeks. The specimens in the containers are not subjected tocutting formingonly in March. In winter, whole branches can dry up. So, after cuttingautumntospringonlyminor traces
Bush silvering
Charming flowersshrub silveringArgyranthemum frutescens decorate terraces all summer long. It is understandable that after flowering it is a pity to simply throw away such a beautiful specimen. However, wintering this shrub is not easy. The plant needs to be in a very bright place in a room with a temperature of 8-12 ° C.
Remember! Be very careful when watering. The root ball of the plant should never be excessively moist. It must also not be allowed to dry completely.
Hybrid marshmallow
Zaślaz(clone) Abutilon is a delicate child of the tropics. In autumn, when the air temperature drops below 12 ° C, the shrub, which is sensitive to cold, should be one of the first to leave the terrace. In a bright room by the window, it can overwinter at a temperature of 12-20 ° C. At a temperature of 8-10 ° C, the plant goes dormant, sheds leaves and can even stand in a dark room.
When we do not have a winter room for citrus plants, pay attention tocalamondeCitrofortunela mitis. In winter, it can be kept in a bright room by the window. The ideal temperature should not exceed 18 ° C, but the Kalamonde can also tolerate room temperature.
Remember! The lack of light in winter causes some of the leaves to be shed. After the resumption of vegetation in March, these losses quickly balance out.
Vital Favorite
Oleanderis a popular container plant. We value it for its Mediterranean exuberance and vitality. The shrub can stay on the terrace for quite a long time, it is not harmful to frost down to -5 ° C. We move it to the winter accommodation when the frost lasts longer. The temperature here should be max. 12 ° C.
Remember! Even in winter, the oleander needs regular watering and an evenly moist substrate.
Blue flowersNightshadesLycianthes will also delight us next year, if we let the plant hibernate at 10-15 ° C. An alternative can be dark and cold quarters with a temperature of 5-8 ° C. In such conditions, the nightshade loses its leaves. The effect of wintering in the dark has shifted the flowering period - flowers appear quite late.
Remember! Let's not prune the plant too hard! This favors the development of new shoots, especially in the case of young specimens. Flowers do not develop at all or with a delay.