The author of the text is Dr. Katarzyna Wróblewska
It is worth remembering that it is not a bloodthirsty instinct that drives these plants tocapture animals in traps , but it is the only way to survive given to them by nature. Most of them live inwetlands ,acidic soils , most often inbogs, poor iningredients mineralssupplement deficiency of these ingredients,grabbing insectsand secretingenzymes digestive , which breaks down animal protein intoform absorbable
Although insects constitute the basis of the supplementary "diet" of these plants, other invertebrates are also their food, e.g.arachnidsorminorcrustaceansSometimes even small ones can become onefrogs ,lizardsand rodents. Therefore, from the popular term"insectivorous plants"more appropriate is"plants carnivorous ".
Currently, there are over400 species of insectivorous plantsin the world, grouped into 14 types. Each evolved a differentmechanism of grasping insects , but all of them use modified leaves for this purpose. These leaf traps work on the principle offluid digestivecontainers, snapping tabs, wrapping around the victim of sticky paste, ortrapssucking victim
Regardless of the type of trap, leaves takefascinating formsandshapes They lure their victims, also tempting them withintense with the color , often also with nectar. All this makes these plants an attraction not only because of their "customs", but also because of their beauty. More and more often they are used as plantsornamental ,grown in apartments
Nepenthes is one of the most interesting andmost common cultivated plantscarnivorousMany species are epiphytes or creepers. Its characteristic structure, leaves are divided into several parts that fulfill separate functions - fromphotosynthetictogrippyA longpetiole grows from the wide bladepetioleleafy , ending with a jug-shaped formation made of a rolled-up leaf blade. Jug hole, equipped with a convex, intensely colored rollerattracting insects , coverhalf ajar cover The insects harassed into such a trap slide downrollerandfall into the liquidwhere they melt and are decomposed.
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Młodych Dzbaneczniki Nepenthes (Photo: |
The downward bristles inside the jug prevent them from escaping. These trap leaves arereal ornament plantsThey can be of any size and color - from green to almostblack , often withinteresting patternAlthough most species develop better interraria, there are already varieties adapted to growing in apartments.
Sarracenia the Shroud
Kapturnica maleaves traptransformed into widening upwardstubes They are ended with a section of an expanded plate, which attracts insects with its intense color and sweet scent, andsometimes creates lid Water RainyThe edges of the hole are slippery, and the tubes and lids are covered with hairs directed downwards, preventing it from escapingcaught insectInsects fall into the water filling the leaf, where they sink and are digested.
The undoubteddecoration of Saraceniaare also sumptuous flowers growing up to 8 cm in diameter. Their characteristic feature islarge ,plank markwithstamensSuch structure of flowers prevents pollination with own pollen. Except that they require a periodrest ,conditional short dayandlower temperature , capers usually do not cause problems in cultivation.
Drosera sundew
The genus sundew includes about 100 species growing almost all over the world underdifferent latitudes geographicThree of them appear inEurope CentralTheir leaves take various shapes - they can be round,elongatedorbifurcating themselves , but always covered with red glandularhairs ,topped with with drops sticky fluidFrom them, shining like dew in the sun, comesPolish name kind
When an insect lands on a leaf, it becomesimmobilized sticky slimeand then stuck to it hairs, after which the entire leaf curls, closing it finally. This reaction is faster the more protein the victim contains. Most sundews are very easy to grow and thereforesuitable for beginnersGrowing sundew is best to start withsundew Cape sundewD.capensis.
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Rosiczka Drosera (Photo: |
Flycatcher Dionaea muscipula
Venus flytrap is a relative of the sundew fromAmerica North , which developed a uniquemechanismcatching insectsThe tips of its leaves are transformed into a double trap that snaps shut when an insect sits on a leaf. The signal for this is irritation by the victim of one of the three hairssensory embeddedinside the trap. The entire action takes no more than 0.2 seconds. Although traps cancloseandreopen repeatedly , this movement tires the plants, so it's better not to overuse flycatchers to having fun.Muchołówka likes strongsunlit places , then also interiorstraps colorssiępurple
Tłustosz Pinguicula
Fatty species grow wild in North America and Europe. Their feature is therosette roundish leavesThey have a characteristic creamy-green color. Short hairs grow on their surfaceexuding sticky mucusThe leaves sparkling with them attract insects, then secreted mucus with digestive enzymes floods them completely and digests them. Alwaysgreen species fatare small and graceful plants to grow. Thepurple flowersis considered the easiest to growfatMexicanPinguicula moranensis.
If we already have some success in growingplants insectivores , it is worth trying to breed them yourself, e.g.dividing well-developed individuals. Some, e.g. sundews, can be propagated from seeds harvested after the flowers have faded, but one of the most interesting properties is the ability of sundews and fatty sundews toreproduce with seedlings leafy leavesThe single leaves placed in the substrate take a few months to take root. In the case of greasy seedlings, it is better to take winter leaves that do notproduce sticky mucus
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Tłustosz Pinguicula (Photo: |
In order to successfully cultivate carnivorous plants, it is necessary to learn about theirbiology , thanks to which we will be able to meet their very specific requirements.For no general experience in growing plants or passion can replace the lack of knowledge about them. Althoughrequirements individual kindsandspeciesdiffer slightly, in their cultivation, a few general rules should be followed:
1. Most carnivorous plants do great in well-lit places, and even infull sun .
2. They require a constantly moist substrate and high air humidity, therefore the pots are placed inlitter boxesorbowls with water .
3. The substrate must beacidicandpoorwingredients nutritionalBest is acidic peat with the addition ofthicksandorperliteAs these plants are unable to absorb nutrients from the substrate, they should not be fed with fertilizers - they can be fedinsectsorspiders , but they are also good without them.It is also not allowed to water the plants with hard water rich in calcium and other ingredients.
4. The growing temperature depends onspeciesandvariety plantsThese include plants from hot climates that thrive well only in heated terrariums, but there are also species that can be successfully grown inapartments without special devices