Spring, the time of early perennials

It's hard to imagineearly spring gardenlandscape bezsmagliczek ,żagwinówand primroses. Spring perennials are already appearing on the sites where thewinterandsnowdrops snowdropsbloomed until recently. Some of them work well inplantings bedding , others are irreplaceable in natural plantings under the still green crowns of trees and shrubs. Early perennials sparkle onalmost every position

Species feel best in the rock gardenpreferring dry environment , especially those that tolerate soils that are less rich in nutrients.In well-exposed positions, the flame of Douglas Phlox douglasii,kochek wiosennyAdonis vernalis,saxifrageSaxifraga,pasque-flowerPulsatilla and other ornamental forms with small inflorescences. Thanks to the wide access to many varieties, almostevery positioncan be filled with interesting ornamental plants.

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Miłek wiosenny Adonis vernalis (Photo: Fotolia.com)

Plants from the ground cover group Interestingplants ornamentallook best on the edges of flower beds or on the retaining walls of rock gardens.Arrangements bridge , elegantly combining rebates with adjacentpathsorlawn, you can createattractive plants , such assmagliczkaAlyssum,gęsiówkaArabis iflame szydlastyPhlox subulata. Żagwin Aubrietacreates lush purple-blue flower cascades that flow picturesquely on rawstonemurkachExtremely interesting decorative effect can be easily achieved in spring as a result ofcombination mentioned cascades with yellow whip flowers. Some varieties of smagliczka, such as 'Blaumeise' and 'Joy', keep flowers until July.

Arrangements and tips for early flowering perennials

In a cloud of leaves
Pasque flower ordinaryis one of the most magnificent trailers spring. This species is distinguished by purple flowers and silvery shiny leaves and prefers sunny positions in well-drained,littlefertile substrate

For skalniak
Douglas' Flame'Anne' and myrtle spurge are a very harmonious duo matched not only under with respect to visually , but also environmental. Both plantslike places sunny .

Successful start
The summer snowstorm reaches a height of 50 cm and blooms only inApril ,May . Plants feel best inmoistandclay substrate .

Traditional perennial plantings should include such plants as bergenia,hearts greatandomieg While the first two seem rather inconspicuous and do not haveimpressive flowers , so much bigyellow flowers omiegaare among the most recognizable in any type of planting. Its flowering heralds the imminent arrival of summer. The periodspring waitingwill make perennials blooming undertreesandshrubsmore pleasant

As long as the shoots ofplants woodyremain leafless and let in a sufficient amount of sunlight, good development conditions are found within the canopy.inhearts turned out ,kokoryczand Siberian thirst. The expansiveness of some plants forces us to be more careful when mowing the lawn. It is no secret thatprimrose lekarski ,violet smelledczyhoney extractgrow like mushrooms on the surfaceof the whole of the lawn

Planningspring discounts , it is worth going to the nearby deciduous forests for inspiration. This is where early spring is mostvisibleanddelights with a multitude of colorsMost of the flowering plants at this time of the year are not magnificent, but they have a varied color of flowers and inthey deserve attention

Arrangements and tips for early flowering perennials

Carpet of anemones
Over spaceMarch ,Apriland Maybloom in the luminous shade of trees and shrubsanemones Greek . White flowers belong to the 'White Splendor' variety.

Zagwina cushions
Bujnecascadesof inflorescences Żagwinaeffectively mask the stone passage between the higherrockeryagravel path .

Pogodna rabata
Daisy flowers inflorescencesthey light up spring beds with sunny colors . They also like to be displayed inplaces sunny places .

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