Spring perennials in containers

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Not only primroses and narcissi herald the long-awaited spring season. This role is also played by perennial plants that can be grown in containers wintering outside, e.g. ornamental cherries, and spring perennials, e.g. yellow-green spurge and blue bream.

Rhododendrons in containers

Rhododendrons growing in containers will not bloom until May, but already their dark green leaves, like the late camellia varieties that bloom at the end of March, can be a perfect background for many spring arrangements. In the care of rhododendrons, the most important thing is to provide them with a semi-shaded place.You also need to water them regularly, fertilize them and remove faded flowers. Rhododendrons do not require pruning.

Also in spring, ornamental cherries with hanging stems and broom trees that like sunny places bloom beautifully in container cultivation. decorative apple tree 'Red Jade' variety with hanging shoots. Its flowering is in May. In autumn, the tree is hung with strings of small, red apples.

Remember that trees and shrubs should grow in containers with a minimum capacity of 40 liters, provided with 5-10 cm drainage.

Smaller perennials that grow for many seasons in containers, e.g. eagles, require systematic and careful care.First of all, they must be regularly watered and fertilized.If the pots are too small, we replant the plant after flowering. The new container may be larger, because it is worth adding other companion plants to the host plant, e.g.a carnation, hook or muck.

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