In the pumpkin kingdom - Pumpkin decorations in the garden

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Our garden is relatively young, although I planted the first thujas with the help of my husband and sons 18 years ago. On the other hand, discounts with conifers, dwarf shrubs and flowers last from 2 to 5 years.

A 20-acre garden requires a lot of work. Despite frequent fatigue, I am proud of what she looks like every year. The joy is all the greater because the discount compositions are exclusively my own. No specialist gardening company helped me with this.

In the kingdom of plants, I try to beautify something. This season, I decided to show readers how easy it is to make autumn arrangements.Despite the rainy weather, ornamental pumpkins in my garden gave a lot of fruit. I shared a lot with my family and friends. Numerous specimens have also found a place on the kitchen shelves. However, the largest part of the pumpkin harvest was used as a decorative element of garden discounts. I placed the orange turbans around the conifers and on the rockeries. When they lay on a padded floor, they were not afraid of rains or pests. Golden pumpkins blend in perfectly with palm maples and heathers. This autumn arrangement will decorate my garden until the first snowfall.

Wiesława Ramęda

You can read about other autumn decorations here.

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