Why is it worth planting nuts?
They say a man should plant a tree, build a house and father a son. I followed this rule - I planted walnuts first. I am happy to share this story with your readers because my experience as a gardener is zero. I like nuts a lot, especially in cakes.
One day I decided that on my father's plot, instead of tall weeds, a nut orchard could be formed.Would be a source of ingredients for my brother-in-law's baking and confectionery at home.
Planting and caring for walnut trees
A neighbor, gardeners, advised me to buy seedlings dug from the ground, and advised against potted plants.So I went to the nursery, where 5 trees were immediately available, but with almost no roots. As they were not too expensive, I felt I could take a chance. Plants were then about 2 meters high. In a gardening book, I read that walnuts need a lot of space. So I planted my trees in a 10x10 m seedling. How surprised I was when after some time my bald sticks let go of their leaves. It meant they caught on.After my first year with me, it was time for the cut. Nuts are pruned at the beginning of March or August. Then I shorten thicker branches - supposedly it strengthens the trunk, and it certainly helps to maintain the branched shape of the crown.
How to take care of nut trees?
My trees are fed twice a year (first in April and then in July) with compound fertilizer such as amophoska. And it's basically the whole effort of caring, because the nuts do not require daily watering (only once a week during dry weather), or special care.
During the autumn cleaning, I carefully rake up all fallen leaves and shell remnants. They are not suitable for compost, but they burn perfectly in the fire.My nuts are 10 years old, but they bear fruit only 4. They belong to the 'Targo' variety - resistant to frost, disease and very fertile.
Krzysztof Pawłowski