Cultivation of cyclamen - a year with cyclamen

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Persian cyclamen is one of my favorite houseplants. It delights with its colors and original flower petals.
We usually buy cyclamen in winter. Then there are the most of them on the market. Good price and nice appearance tempt you to bring a little spring into your home, but after some time the plant loses its charm. When it fades and its leaves begin to turn yellow, it is dormant.
When cyclamen is bald and ugly, we don't know what to do with it. Let's not throw him away! Stop fertilizing and limit watering until it is dry. Let's tear out the dying leaves together with the petioles.
In summer there is only the cyclamen tuber in the pot, which needs about 3 months to rest. You can then take the flower to the cellar. After this time has elapsed, we replant it to fresh soil, leaving 1/3 of the uncovered tuber. The new pot should not be larger than the current one, because cyclamens bloom better in tight containers. However, it is important that it has a solid drainage.
AutumnIn September cyclamen should be watered systematically, and after 3-4 weeks after planting, we supply it every 7 days it with fertilizer for flowering plants. Keep cyclamen at a temperature of 8-10 ° C until buds appear. Cyclamen cared for in this way will bloom again in winter.

Agnieszka Rembiszewska

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