An importantaspect of the of the arrangement of gardensis originality. Who wants his property to be different from all the others, should use not onlynon-standard solutions arrangement , but also original plants. After all, many of them arepractically at your fingertips
Collecting original,rare met plantsis a hobby that is dedicated to more and morebunch loversgreeneryThis phenomenon is based on both the desire to stand out among the neighborhood and the growing knowledge about growing and caring for plants, alsothese less widespread A valuable source of information about such specimens are, among othersforums internetandlocal exchanges plant
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Nieszpułka Mespilus (Photo: |
Veryinteresting plants decorativecan be found even among the so-called common species. Just mentionabeliofyllumAbeliophyllum distichum,dawidia ChineseDavidia involucrata and medleaf Mespilus. The fashion for growing someplants is coming back in waves,maybe now they have a chance to reappear on a slightly larger scale than before. These species are neither toodemanding in terms of care , nor extremely sensitive totemperature drops.
Inwith respect to decorativethey do not give way to thesetreesandshrubs , which are classified astypical decorativeMoreover, in the opinion of some expertsabeliofyllumit gives a more elegant impression than its related yellow-flowered forsythia. This speciesrequires winter cover
Recommended for the upcoming season
Physocarpus opulifolius isstrong growing shrub , which reaches up to 3 m in height and 2 m wide. Until now, this species was considered mainly as acollector's plant , since, however, the decorative leaves of the cultivar 'Dart's Gold' (yellow leaves) and 'Diabolo' (red leaves) appeared in mass distribution. the situation started to change. The flowering of these varieties is onend Juneandstart July
What are the requirements of these plants? The bladder thrives in any soil, but grows best insunnytosemi-shady locations. Plants are recommended for planting asgreenery urban , as well ashedges
Dawidia Chinesecreates spherical inflorescences surrounded by beautiful buds, thanks to which the tree gained thenickname handkerchieflubpigeonThe advantages of this species are also an interesting pyramidal shape and heart-shapedjuicygreen leaves
Lonicera x purpusii andmenziesiaMenziesia ferruginea are harder to get. Both species are considered a real botanical rarity and are only offered in a few nurseries. The second is demanding; similarly to rhododendron, it preferssubstrate devoid of calcium , but rich in humus. The root ball of plants should be covered with a thick layer of mulch in winter. If shrubs grow in placesvery sunlitand prone to drafts, it is recommended to installcover sunscreenandwindscreen
Forgotten medlar was cultivated in antiquity, appreciated byAssyrians ,GreeksandRomansSpread in warmer regions of the European continent and is nowferal relicof old timesAfter freezing, medulla fruit is soft and sweet. They are perfect for preserves. They can be used to prepare verytasty jamsandjelliesandsauces.
Handkerchief tree
Chinese Davidia is sometimes confused with the linden tree we all know, but - interestingly - mainlyoutside period of floweringSmall flower heads in the cover of characteristic creamy-white flowers appear in May. The trees grow to a height of 10-12 m
A close relative of Forsythia
AbeliofyllumAbeliophyllum belongs to the same botanical family as Forsythia and even shows some similarities inwith respect to floweringandforms growthHer filigree creamy-white flowers appear from March. Shrubs reach a height of up to 2 m and prefer sheltered positions in the sun; every 2-3 years they should be x-rayed.
Rhododendron companion
Menziesia belongs toheather plants,her native continent is North America. The shrubs are evergreen, reaching a height of less than 1 m and they feel best inbeds peatIn May, i.e. during the flowering of rhododendrons,menziesiaseems small,red ,bell-shaped flowersShrubs need shelter for the winter.
Fruit tree
Everyone knows what an apple or pear tree looks like, and does anyone know what their relatedmedlarlooks like? The multi-stemmed shrubs originate from Asia Minor, they bloom inMay ,June , creating nice large flowers from which fruits are born (they can be used for preserves ).The medlar reaches a height of 4-5 m and looks best insolitary exposure
December Perfume
The hybrid of Lonicera x purpusii was created as a result of the crossing of twoAsian species honeysuckle.This shrub grows to a height of 2 m and it is highly branched. Flowering is a characteristic feature of this species; this is becausecream-white , strongfragrant flowersopen in December under favorable conditions. In regions withmild the shrub maintains its leaves throughout the winter.