Trójsklepka Tricyrtis is a genus of perennials from the humid forests of eastern Asia, from the Himalayas to Japan.Includes species with long, straight or arched and densely leafed shoots, growing up to 70-80 cm.In late summer and autumn (from July to October), star-shaped flowers, approx. 2-3 cm in diameter, appear on the tips of the shoots. In the most popular ciliate, Tricyrtis hirta, the flowers are white with numerous purple and burgundy spots.
In other species or varieties, flowers may also be white, pink or yellow-brown. Approximately 20 species and varieties of three-staves are cultivated as ornamental plants.For lovers of these plants, this is a great reason to create a collection of them.Plants require slightly acidic, humus-rich and constantly moist soils as well as a slightly shaded position. In Poland, they winter satisfactorily, although a light cover is recommended as protection in the event of a frosty but snowless winter.
In colder regions of the country, it may happen that the three-stems do not have time to bloom.You can then replant them to a warmer, better sunny position or avoid late-flowering varieties, e.g. Alba 'and Taiwanese Tricyrtis formosana' Gilt Edge '(their flowering is accompanied by already yellowing autumn leaves).