More about the plant below:
Triteleia, California Hyacinth (Triteleia laxa)
category : onion
position : sun
height : 40-70 cm
frost resistance : up to -20 ° C
reaction soil : neutral, slightly acidic
preferences soil : fertile, humus, permeable
watering : medium
color leaves/needles : green
color of flowers : blue, white, purple
shape : upright
period flowering : June-July
seeding : spring
reproduction:adventitious bulbs, sowing
persistence leaves : seasonal
application : flower beds, rockeries, balconies, cut flowers, terraces, rooms, edible plant
pace of growth : fast
Triteleia - silhouetteTriteleia - developmental featuresTriteleia - positionTriteleia - plantingTriteleia - careTriteleia - applicationAdviceTriteleia is an inconspicuous, blue-flowering beauty coming from the western regions of North America (Oregon and California).In local conditions it grows to a height of 120 cm (it is found mainly on heavy soils of luminous forests and on grassy meadows).Large dark blue (to purple) flower balls that last from May to July have the greatest decorative value.
Triteleia caught on quite well in our conditions.Forms grassy leaves and up to 40 trumpet-shaped, wide-open single flowers in one sphere. Flowers appear when the leaves dry.Triteleia grows 5 to 60 cm in garden conditions. Especially the cultivar 'Königin Fabiola' has very strong shoots.
Triteleia likes sunny and sheltered positions in well-drained, fertile soil that dries slightly in summer.
Plant the bulbs in late autumn to a depth of approx. 8 to 10 cm, preferably in small groups. Bulbs can also be planted in spring.
Triteleia is not fully winter-hardy, but if it is planted at a sufficient depth, it can safely overwinter in the ground.As a preventive measure, mulch the place of cultivation with spruce branches.blooming and stored in dry conditions at a temperature of approx. 20 ° C. We plant in March / April.
Triteleia can be grown in a rock garden, it can also be grown in pots and boxes.
Triteleia usually has bluish flowers, but it is worth knowing that varieties with white flowers have also been bred.