Strączyniec Cassia - silhouette, care, wintering

More about the plant below:

Strączyniec (Cassia)

category : potted

position : sun

height : up to 3 m

wintering : room, 10-15 ° C

frost resistance : to 0 ° C

reaction soil : neutral, slightly acidic

preferences soil : fertile, sandy loam, permeable

watering : moderate

color leaves/needles : green

color of flowers : yellow, white, orange

habit : shrub, woody

period flowering : July-October

seed : early spring

reproduction:sowing, semi-woody cuttings

persistence leaves : seasonal

application : balconies, terraces

pace of growth : fast

Subsoil - silhouetteA stand for a podIrrigation of the legumeStrączyniec - fertilizationCutting the legumeWintering of the legumeAdvice

Strączyniec - silhouette

Strączyniec corymbosa (in botanical systematics found under two names: senna corymbosa and cassia corymbosa) blooms from May to October, producing yellow flowers. Plants are easy to care for, they do best in the sun, they are commercially available in shrub or stalk form.

Stand for the mushroom

Strączyniec blooms most profusely in sunny, warm and sheltered positions.Plants are planted in good quality soil for potted plants.

Irrigation of the pulsa

The legume must be watered abundantly; the root ball must never dry out, otherwise the plants will lose their leaves.

Strączyniec - fertilization

Plants bloom profusely if they are fed twice a week with liquid fertilizer for potted plants from April to August.

Cutting the pod

In order for the plants to flourish, trim the tops of the shoots already in young specimens. Before placing the bushes in the winter quarters or, even better - before the beginning of the growing season in spring, the shoots are shortened by 1/3 of their length. Uncut shrubs quickly grow to a height of up to 2 m.

Wintering of the pulses

Strączyńca should be placed in a bright quarters at a temperature of 1 to 10 ° C before the first frost. If the temperature in the quarters is higher, the plants may be attacked by aphids.Water the plants in moderation (they have almost no leaves), expose them to the open air in April and May.


The legume can be successfully propagated from seeds. We start growing new plants in spring.

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