Tasty and he althy zucchini

Zucchini was grown in southern Europe in the time of Columbus. With us, as squash, it gained popularity only in the 60s and 70s of the last century. Zucchini Cucurbita pepo convar. giromontiina is called a collective variety of squash Cucurbita pepo.Creates many forms that differ mainly in the color and shape of the fruit.

Apart from dark green varieties or with green stripes, such as 'Nero di Milano' or 'Strato d'Italia', forms with sunny yellow fruits have appeared in our beds and in the kitchen, e.g. 'Gold Rush'. They have an even softer flesh and a milder taste than the green varieties.Therefore, they are perfect for salads.

(zdj .: Fotolia.com)

Zucchini can be easily distinguished from the young pumpkin fruit. Both the traditional varieties and the new, spherical forms of 'Rondini' have angular flower shoots.On the other hand, squash has shoots with a round cross-section, which becomes woody during ripening.of fruit. A close relative of zucchini is the patison Cucurbita pepo convar, popularized by the French. patissonin. Both zucchini and patison fruits, e.g. of the 'Patisson Blanc' or 'Sunburst' varieties, are best harvested before they reach their final size.

Very ripe fruit has a thick and hard skin, but still good for consumption in various forms. On the other hand, young fruits are distinguished by better taste qualities. The fruit develops so quickly that the weight gain is easy to see.In high summer you should check the plants every 2-3 days. It even pays off because delaying harvesting inhibits the development of new flowers and causes the seemingly unnecessary, youngest fruits to fall off.

Zucchini care

Courgettes thrive best in a sunny patch. The sun-heated fruit is tasty and very aromatic. If we do not manage to grow courgettes in boxes from April, we can sow them in the beds until the end of June. Press two seeds into the ground to a depth of 1-2 cm at meter intervals.After germination, remove the weaker seedling. Most often it is profitable to cultivate at most two varieties.

If we want variety and small fruit, we can try to plant seeds of three or four varieties. We should not be afraid of the spill of fruit. Their quantity in the growth phase can be easily controlled and limited.It is enough to gradually tear off the developing large female flowers. They do not need to be thrown into a compost pile. They will be an excellent dish if you stuff them with meat or cottage cheese.Dip the smaller male flowers in pancake batter and bake or fry in oil.Decorate salads and salads with chopped petals.

Caring for zucchini is not too laborious. It is enough to enrich good garden soil with a solid dose of compost before planting.Water should be provided to plants only during longer periods of drought.Remember to water carefully around the base of the shoots, as spores of mildew and mold develop very easily on wet leaves.

Due to moisture, pollen particles stick together, which can hinder the process of pollination of flowers and fruit-setting.This should not be allowed to happen, as there are many recipes for tasty dishes with wonderful fruits of zucchini.

Courgettes in a pot

If there is not enough space in the garden, zucchini can be grown in large pots.Ornamental varieties are best, such as 'Gold Rush' with yellow fruits. Individually grown 'Black Forest' and 'Black Hawk' varieties will develop long stems and bear fruit abundantly.They can form screening walls on balconies or terraces.Containers should be at least 30 liters.

We fill them with good flower soil, and the best is a special mixture for vegetables. The hole in the bottom of the pot will drain excess water.The substrate should be constantly evenly moist.The courgettes are fed with liquid fertilizer every 14 days.

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