Planting and fertilizing aquatic plants

Plants can be planted in the pond right after finishing the pond. In practice, this is usually done in May when the water temperature reaches 10-12 ° C.Some thermophilic exotic species, e.g. water lettuce, are planted even later, in June.Before letting water into the tank, we plant deep zone plants, i.e. waterlily, species intended for the shallow and swamp zones, can be planted after filling the tank with water.

Plants are planted in a special substrate with a limited amount of nutrients. The fertile soil is most often conducive to the growth of algae.The standard substrate is usually a mixture of coarse sand and clay in a 2: 1 ratio (it is best to use the ready-made offer of a large garden store).After planting, cover the ground with a layer of gravel, then water it with water from a water reservoir.

Aquatic plants can be fed, but for this purpose only special fertilizers for ponds are used, devoid of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds (liquid poured into the water or solidly put into the ground).We do not use any garden fertilizers.

Where the bottom is relatively flat, plant the plants in baskets; where steep - in special pockets attached to the shore. Here's how we plant the lychees:Litter the openwork basket with non-woven fabric, fill the basket with the substrate, plant the plants.Tamp the substrate, cover it with gravel, and then water it. Gradually put the basket into the water.

Water reservoir after the season

After the summer season, you need to prepare the pond for the cold weather. Here are some of the most important treatments to follow.

Trimming . Water plants that grow strongly must be trimmed again after the season. Giraffe secateurs are very helpful in this.

Cleaning . The cut remains of shoots, as well as all other organic contaminants, such as leaves, must be fished out of the water with a landing net. Otherwise they will rot, causing less oxygen in the water and more algae (next year).

We clean the pond!

AccessoriesTake pumps and other water installations not adapted to wintering in water from the pond.They need to be cleaned, preserved and stored in a safe place (not too dry, so as not to distort the seals, and not too moist, so as not to corrode them).We winter fish in a pond if its surface is at least 6 m² and a depth of 1 m.

When the tank freezes, melt the ice in several places with hot water, never break it.Put a piece of polystyrene in the ice hole (you can put it in the water in autumn) .

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