Save frozen trees (Tip)

Frost wounds are caused by the sun, which heats up the dark tree trunk during the day until it becomes warm. In turn, when a few hours later, at night, the temperature drops a few degrees below zero, the tissues on the bark of the tree are torn.Fungi spores penetrate the damaged bark, causing infections.The wound becomes visible after a few months, the bark begins to decay and gradually crumbles.

There are many more factors that cause diseases of bark and wood.Any damage to tree tissue, such as unprotected wounds from severed branches, and wet and cool weather, also contribute to infections that cause wood canker and canker.

We heal wounds on tree trunks

1. The infected place can be recognized by its brownish and flaking bark. An unprotected wound grows larger, revealing the wood.Often after a year, an open wound forms with visible decaying bark.

2. We will need a sharp crescent-type knife to remove the crayfish on the bark.We trim brown and diseased parts of bark and wood.Clean the site of infection to a he althier, bright tissue.

3. We protect the cleaned area by applying a wound lubricant or emulsion paint with 2% Topsin.We perform bridge grafting bypassing the damage to the wood and creating a link between the lower part of the trunk and the crown.

4. The implanted scion takes over the conduction of nutrients, gradually replacing the old trunk.

If an infection occurs and a wound forms on the bark of a tree, it is necessary to protect it.When the wound on the bark is extensive and covers a large part of the trunk, practically the only way to save the tree is to perform a special type of grafting, called bridge grafting.Its purpose is to create a bridge bypassing the damaged section of the trunk.A double vaccination is performed involving the implantation of a long one-year-old shoot below and above the damaged area.

This results in better water and nutrient conduction. To be sure, we can implant several shoots around the entire circumference of the trunk.After a few years, the implanted scion gradually takes over the role of the trunk.Bridge grafting is best done at the end of April or the beginning of May.

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