P: Last year I bought a small plot of land near Koszalin. I would like to grow strawberries on it. I have heard that some of them bear fruit until frost. Please recommend the varieties that I will be able to harvest in different months.
O: Strawberry varieties grown in Poland can be divided into the following groups:
- early - 'Aga', 'Ariadna', 'Camarosa', 'Camino Real', 'Darselect', 'Hokent', 'Jota', 'Kent', 'Marilyn', 'Milsei', ' Pastel ',' Salut ',' Ventana ';
- medieval - 'Astra', 'Dukat', 'Elan', 'Elsanta', 'Era', 'Fara', 'Filon', 'Kimberly', 'King Regal', 'Leon', ' Marduk ',' Markat ',' Onebor ',' Ostara ',' Sabrosa ',' Seascape ',' Selva ',' Senga Sengana ',' Zanta ';
- late - 'Alfa Centauri', 'Bogota', 'Elsariusz', 'Feriusz', 'Filut', 'Panon', 'Patrycja', 'Perła', 'Selvik', 'Tarda', ' Vicoda ',' Vikat '.
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Another division can be made taking into account the purpose of the fruit. Then we divide them into:
- dessert,
- for processing.
Those that repeat fruiting in the same season belong to the dessert varieties (e.g. 'Leon', 'Ostara', 'Seascape', 'Selva').
'Camarosa'- abundantly yielding dessert variety from California. It has large, firm, intense red fruits with a strong gloss. Unfortunately, it is sensitive to Verticillium disease (strawberry fungus disease) and not very resistant to frost.
'Darselect'- comes from France. It yields moderately abundantly. The fruits have a very attractive appearance - they are intensely red, firm, aromatic, tasty and not susceptible to rotting.
'Kent'- a dessert variety from Canada, very resistant to low temperatures and frost.It has large, firm, tasty, bright red and shiny fruits that can withstand transport and are resistant to gray mold.Crops abundantly and has a long harvest period. Suitable for accelerated cultivation in the ground.
'Dukat'- Polish variety intended rather for processing. Very resistant to red and white leaf blotch or root system diseases, and moderately susceptible to gray mold and powdery mildew of strawberriesIt is extremely fertile, but requires fertile and sufficiently moist soil for proper growth.Resistant to frost. The fruit is firm, intensely red, glossy and relatively easy to destalk.
'Elsanta'- this is a Dutch dessert variety. Suitable for controlled cultivation
in the ground and under covers. It yields well on light and moist soils. It is characterized by high durability of fruits that are attractive and large. They have a bright red skin with a strong sheen. They are very aromatic and slightly acidic in taste.The variety is resistant to gray mold and white and red leaf spot, but quite susceptible to strawberry powdery mildew and root system diseases. It can freeze in frosty and snowless winters.
'Filon'- Polish dessert variety, resistant to frost and Verticillium wilt. It yields very abundantly. The fruit is large, conical, regular in shape, bright red, with a strong luster, with a light tip.
'Kimberly'- comes from the Netherlands. It has large, tasty and medium firm fruit. Suitable for cultivation in Poland. It is resistant to large temperature fluctuations during winter.
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Growing a beautiful and plump strawberries requires a lot of effort, but it is certainly worth it (Image: |
'Selva'- a Californian dessert variety, very demanding to grow, with a loose habit, producing little runner.Not very susceptible to leaf and root system diseases, but sensitive to frost.Needs fertile, airy soils.
The fruit is very large, but often irregular and ribbed. They are firm and less susceptible to gray mold. The skin is red-pink, with a strong shine, resistant to abrasions. The flesh, lighter than the skin, is sometimes not very aromatic. This variety is one of the repeated fruiting.
During the first flowering, it is advisable to remove the flowers to get bigger and he althier fruit from the beginning of August to late autumn.'Selva' can be used as a decorative strawberry - it looks nice in "hanging" or "climbing" form.
'Senga Sengana'- German variety, industrial and processing. Extremely fertile, resistant to drought and low temperature. It has tasty fruit with an aromatic and intensely red flesh. The stalks are easily separated from the fruit. Their disadvantage is low firmness, durability and resistance to gray mold and white leaf spot.
'Bogota'- yields profusely, has pale, very large fruit with a rather delicate skin. It shows high resistance to diseases.
As a curiosity, I will add that there are strawberries with the taste and aroma of pineapple - 'Pineberry'. They are grown in Dutch greenhouses.They are picked when they turn from green to white and the seeds turn dark red.