At the end of the month, we start planting bulbs of spring flowering plants (e.g. tulips,narcissus ,snowdrops ,checkersetc.) and in summer ( garlic ,lilie ). We plant them in carefully prepared soil - heavy ground loosenssandandpeat , while too light and poor it is good to mix withcompostThe planting depth depends on the size of the organ planted. Small onions are planted indepth a few centimeters , while large onionsonions - up to 20 cm.It is good to plant the bulbs and tubers in special plastic baskets, which protect the organs against rodents' attempts and make it easierdigging them up in the summer.
Mostplants balcony plantsare perennial species, non-wintering in our climate, which can be propagated using shoot cuttings. This applies topelargonium, cascading petunia,fuchsia,Datura, clapper, lepnotaCuphea,spotted trefoil, magnificent sanvita, fan scewola, shrub silvering, grandifloraand many others. Reputable horticulture companies grow mother plants inCanary Islands, Kenya, Portugal,and the workforce is very cheap.
From there, unrooted cuttings are transported toEuropean horticulture plantswhere they are rooted inmulti-pot palletsunder appropriate conditions (from December to the end of February ).You can amateurly prepare cuttings in spring inMarchor from midAugustto mid-September, because then they root perfectly.
- We plant coniferous trees and shrubs withbare root systemor in bales.
- Prepare a place for plantingtreesand deciduous shrubs inOctoberandNovember.It should be dug deep and the top layermixed with with compost.
- If autumn isdry, systematically water the treesandshrubsalways green to prepare for wintering.
- We can sprinklepotassium fertilizers,e.g.potassium sulphate,which will contribute tofaster woodshootsbefore winter and will prevent them from freezing.
Potatoes intended for storage are harvested when the leaves on the above-ground shoots turnyellow-brown in color.Warm, sunny autumn, the tubers should lie in the ground, and after digging for some more time rest on the ground so thatdries up a bit.This will make it easier to clean them from the ground. Regular weeding and mounding of crops causestubersto mature earlier. After digging, they are stored in the temperaturefrom 2 to 8 ° CWe use specialmulti-tooth forks for shifting.
During dry summer, you can observe the appearance of fungi on the lawn within themThe reason for their occurrence in the lawn is most often the remains of undecomposedroots of trees, grassesor otherplants Inaccurate collection of grass residues after mowing also favors the development of devil's circles, because the so-calledfelted turfis being decomposed by mushrooms.
One of themost dangerousspeciesfungifor the lawn is Marasmia oreades. This fungus produces toxins that inhibit root development in the soil. Dark green circles appear on the lawn, and dead plants can be observed in the space between the circles. White mycelium can be seen betweendestroyed plants . The only way to combat this species is to remove the turf and soil to a depth of about 30-40 cm in the area of the vertebrae and re-plant the lawn.
Devil's vertebrae prevention is the removal oftree rootsand other plants before planting a lawn. Remember aboutscarifyingandaerationand collecting plant residues after each mowing, fertilize with fertilizers with macro - (N, P, K, Mg) and micronutrients (Fe, Mn, B, S and others).It should be watered rarely, but deeply. One of the ways to "hide" the symptomsdiseaseis more intensivenitrogen supply.Another way ischemical control.