Practical Gardener: tips for January

Decorative garden: What do plants say about the quality of the substrate?

Some herbs only grow inspecific environmental conditions About whether they catch on, or not, it can decide, among others substrate reaction,quantity ingredients nutrientsorgradeMoisture SoilA change in any of these factors may result in failure of cultivation. Such a great sensitivity of plants tochange of developmental conditions developmenthas its advantages. This allowed to distinguish a group of the so-called plants indicator

Thanks to them, we learn a lot about the quality of the soil withouthaving to performingsoil analysis. Common nettle grows innitrogen rich soilWetlands grow, among others, field horsetail and coltsfoot. Although the information about the substratewhat comes from the observations plantsare quite precise, they are not able to replaceprofessional soil analysis

Balconies and terraces: Conifers in containers

Easy-careplants evergreenare pretty all year round and can decorate not only the garden. Slow-growing varieties of Norway spruce Picea abies, Japanese cypress Chamaecyparis obtusa and common yew Taxus baccata also look good onbalconyandterrace , creating a calming green backdrop . Dwarf forms do best in containers, as they are not affected by limited root space.We supply plants with fertilizer once a year in April. Conifers need a lot ofmagnesium , so it's best to feed thembitter s alt , i.e.sulfate magnesium

Flowers at home: Flowers brightening cloudy days

Most plants take a break fromautumntospring , while Rhododendron simsii potted azaleas enter their most beautiful period in winterperiod annual cycle development .

Beautifully flowering plants require special care and careful care. The basic requirement forlongandlush floweringis to keep the substrate moist. In summer, clay potsazaleascan be buried in the garden in a semi-shaded corner. In Septemberwe bring plantshome and set them up in a bright and cool place. For theflowering period we move azaleasto a warm room.We remove wilting flowers on a regular basis. We replant azaleas every 2-3 years.

Vegetable: Vegetables from the winter garden

There are vegetables to be harvestedeven in January , e.g. some varieties of Brussels sprouts such as 'Lunet' and 'Citadel'. The 'Hilds Ideal' variety stays on the plot until spring. Kale even likes frost, under the influence of cold sugar is deposited in its leaves,vegetable is thereforesweeterKale does not like changes in the weather, so it should be mulched to prevent it from withering. No coverneeds lamb's lettuceits leaves do not collect in frosty weather, because when brought homefast wilt

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