The many varieties of Hemerocallis daylily are beautifully flowering, easy-care perennials that can be grown in any garden.On a sunny or semi-shaded bed, as well as at the edge of a pond, they open single- or multi-colored funnel-shaped flowers.
January FebruaryThe plants are still dormant. As soon as the frosts are over, cut off the dried last year's leaves and remove the protective layer of mulch.
MarchWe can dig out overgrown or aging clumps and divide them into parts with a spade. Only the strongest parts of the stump are planted again.
AprilFrom mid-March to the end of April, we plant new specimens, bought in horticulture. The we alth of varieties means that many plant lovers try to expand their garden collection of daylilies every year.
MayBeautiful perennials have a big appetite, so we fertilize them before flowering.
June ,JulyIf we are not going to collect seeds, cut off drying flower shoots. Narrow long leaves also decorate the flowerbeds.November ,DecemberWhen frost is forecast, we cover the clump of daylily with a thick layer of dried leaves.This way we will ensure the safe survival of perennialsof the coldest season.
We can grow our own potatoes even when we do not have a garden, e.g. on the balcony.Fill a large container with holes in the bottom halfway up with flower soil mixed with garden soil. Place one seed potato in the substrate. When the white tops of the shoots appear on the surface, cover them with a layer of earth.
Repeat this action until the container is filled with soil. Numerous tubers will form on the gradually growing roots, which we dig out of the pot in the summer.
On steep banks of ponds or ponds, it is impossible to plant plants directly into the ground, or to place them in the water in baskets.In such a situation, the best solution is to use special pockets made of coconut fiber.
1. Plants for shallow water (approx. 10 cm), such as sieve, aquatic plant frog or spit, are perfect for growing in pockets. Fill the pockets with soil up to two-thirds of their depth, plant the plants, and slightly knead the soil.
2. Sprinkle small pebbles on the surface of the substrate.Thanks to this, planting looks better and the soil is not washed away.
3. Before placing the plants in the water, the pockets can be watered. This way we will prevent the soil from being washed away as soon as the pockets are placed in the water.
4. We immerse the pockets with plants in the water very slowly until the plants are at the right depth. For fixing the pockets, you can, for example, use ordinary pegs or tent pins (or thick wire staples).The most important thing is not to damage the foil when attaching the pockets.The fold into which the staples, which are the extension of the pocket, can be masked with pebbles or covered with clumps of grass cut from the lawn.
Pumpkins for autumn harvesting for food or ornamental purposes should be sown by mid-May at the latest. In favorable weather conditions, the seeds can be sown directly into the ground. If the weather is not good, we sow pumpkins from April in peat cuvettes, germinate in a greenhouse or at home, and then plant them in the ground in the period from mid-May to early June. For one plant, a 1 m2 stand should be reserved, and the soil is fed with compost. From June to August, pumpkins are fed with complete fertilizer.
We remove the fruit
We have to accept the fact that the tree should not bear fruit in the first year after planting. We remove all fruit buds so that the plant could devote all its strength to the development of the stem and crown.
We protect bees
Hardworking insects play a useful role in the garden. By pollinating the flowers of fruit trees, they contribute to increasing the yield.During the flowering period, you should first of all refrain from spraying chemical plant protection products that are dangerous for bees.
Blueberry planting time
Small blueberry and lingonberry bushes give small but tasty crops.Forest plants grow well only in acidic humus soil. Very good vegetation conditions will be provided by the shrubs with a special substrate for rhododendrons.The plants are fed in the spring with a full-ingredient chloride-free fertilizer.It is not advisable to systematically cut the shoots in the early years after planting.
Vine care
The vines are led in rows on wire or wooden slats. Now is the time to tie the young shoots to them. We use ribbons or special plastic bands.