As soon as March is warm, inmeadows , inold parksand gardensbloom primrosesIn Poland you can find them both inmountainsandlowlandsprimroses often cross each other , especiallyprimrose medicalandprimrose highPrimroses are grown since the 16th century, due tobeautiful colorful flowersandearly seasonflowering
The following species are best known in our country:medicinal primrosePrimula officinalis, syn. P. veris, called the keys (has delicately fragrant yellow flowers withorange spotsin the middle),primrose highPrimula elatior (similar to the previous one, but with larger and odorless flowers with different colors in different varieties),primrose serratedPrimula denticulata (has flowerswhite ,pinkandpurplegathered in spherical inflorescences,primrose GeorgianPrimula juliae (with dark purple flowers with yellow eyes, developing in early spring) andprimrose stemlessPrimula acaulis, which is also widely used in indoor decoration (it has multi-colored, single and full flowers). It must be remembered that primroses are under protection.
We discover bushes in containers
If the weather permits, we remove winter covers from shrubs overwintering inoutside in containersHowever, we should check the weather forecasts all the time - if predicted stronger frosts betternight cover plantsreplenish water shortages, especially insunnyiwindy days
We prepare herbaceous cuttings
Prepare seedlingsherbaceous balcony plantswintering indoors, e.g. fuchsia,nightshade ,kufei ,silvering ,tibuchiny ,morning gloryand others. We designate for thisvertices this year's of incrementsShrub and woody plants, such as myrtle, laurel, oleander, are reproduced in this time withseedlings semi-reclaimed , cut fromshoots last year'sFresh the emerging shoots are still too young and will not take root.
We are used to the fact that orchids are plants withbeautiful ,stately flowersand stunning odorMeanwhile, there are also types with decorative leaves, such as Anoectochilus, Macodes and Ludisia. In pot cultivation, we find the ludisiaLudisia discolor , a terrestrial species with "creeping" shoots. The upper side of her egg-shaped, pointed leaves isdark greenwithvelvety glossIt stands out clearly against such a backgroundwhite ,redorlight green veiningFrom the bottom, the leaves areintense redTiny white and yellow flowers are gathered in upright clusters, growing up to 30 cm in height. They appear all year round, butmost abundantly in winter
Ludizja feels best inshallow bowlsplaced in warm, well-lit (but not directly sunlit)rooms Should grow inairy ,loose substrate , fairlyabundantly irrigatedThe substrate should dry slightly before the next watering.
At the turn of March and April, and sometimes earlier in western Poland, dogwood blooms, whose wide branched bushes turn golden withvery large quantity yellowflowersTiny flowers are gathered in apparent bunches, unfolding beforedevelopment leavesDogwood bushes look nice planted ingroupsorindividuallyon lawnsEye-catchingearly term flowering , and adjacent to them should beplanted perennialsorshrubsearly flowering in spring, such asanemone gamekeeper , spring delusion, common periwinkle.They can be useful for setting up molded hedges.
Requirements are average: grows well in any soil that contains calcium. It can grow insunny positionorshadowunder large trees. The previously trimmed branches are suitable foracceleration floweringRecently, nurseries have been offering thedogwood edible variety'Variegata' with leaves with a white border.
Zfruit drupe color redwhich mature quite early and begin to fall inJuly , a tincture is made, the so-calleddogwoodThere are quite numerous utility varieties bred in Ukraine,providing fruitfor processing. The most popular are: 'Elegantnyj', 'Łukianowskij', 'Olenka', 'Widubowskij' and 'Jantarnyj' with yellow fruits.
The substrate into which we sow vegetable seeds for a seedling can largely determine itslater quality It should provide young plants with all the nutrients and water they need, have good thermal properties and be free from organismsthreatening delicate seedlingsandready seedlings.In stores For gardening, we will find various soil mixtures for sowing seeds andready peat substrate.It is a great substrate made on the basis of high peat. If we intend to produce morequantity seedlings in spring, also ornamental plants,peat substrate can be prepared in houseor onplot
You will need high horticultural peat with a rather fine structure (it can be sifted), to whichadd fertilizers multicomponentPeat must also be de-acidified - preferably with a fertilizer chalk in the amount of 6-10 kg for each m3. We will then obtain a substrate with a pH of about 6-6.5, suitable for the production of seedlingsmost species vegetablesandplant ornamental Moisten the substrate with water (peat absorbs quite a lot of it) andgood mixWe pack it in plastic bags and after a few days it isready to use