PiO: Thuja reproduction and ground cultivation of araucaria

Multiplication of the Western Thuja

P: I am in the process of arranging the garden. I would like to know what shape and height the emerald thuja has, how it can be propagated and at what distance to plant it so that it forms a compact hedge.

O: Western Thuja 'Smaragd' is characterized by aconical habitand can grow up to 3 m high, and at the base up to about 1 m width. Due to the regular,very pretty habitit is best to plant it in a rowforming shapeless hedge , approximately 70 cm apart, then the lower parthedgewill grow become For a more compact hedge on a higher level, you canplant the bushes a little more densely.This variety should not be pruned as it will lose its habit. To obtain a compact wall along the entire height of the hedge , it is better to use the `Brabant` variety, which grows very quickly and thickens after regular cutting, but it will be aformed hedge.

To be able to reproduce conifers, you need to have tunnelsfoilorwarm frames, boxestocuttingsand substrate for peat withdecontaminated sand.Saplings are collected while the plants are dormant, i.e. fromend August until the end of April, withexclusion period frostPrepare seedlings by tearing off the last young growth fromrush main little olderremains at the end of the severed twig wood , i.e. heel, and a thin fragment of the bark, the so-called tab , which should be cut close to the heel. Roots will sprout from the heel. Trim the top of the seedling so that it is about 10 cm long. Before placing in the substrate, clean the lower part of the seedling fromside branches branches

Onlystrong ,straight-growing shootsdip the tips of the cuttings in the rooting forconifers andwe plantin a box to a depth of 1-2 cm, at intervals so that they do not touch each other, and lightly water it. Place the boxes in thetunnel foil tunnelVentilate the tunnel once a day, and when the air humidity drops -sprinklewaterSpray the seedlings as a precaution fungicidalprotect the plants from the sunsun,shadinginspekt ortunnel , and protect against frost in winter.

To have enoughquantity seedlings neededtohedge planting , it takes a lot of time and work, and before the hedge grows tonoticeable sizes , it will be another few years. In September, you can buyplants in itemssales plants , or even at nurserymen themselves. hedgerowdug with a block of earth, which are much cheaper than thosecontainer

Ground araucaria cultivation

Q: Can araucaria be grown in the ground?

O: There are two species of araucaria in our country: Chilean Araukaria araucana and the total A. heterophylla. Only in western Poland you can try to cultivatearaucaria ChileanThis species is characterized by a fairlywide, dark green, shinyandwith prickly needlesThe stand should be sheltered fromwindsandslightly shaded. For the first few years, it should be protected against frost in winterAs a pot plant it can be grown in cool interiors -halls, halls,churches. In potsChilean araucariagrowsvery slowly.

We plant it in a fairly large container inpermeableandwell drained soil.Araukarias do not like transplanting. From spring to autumn we water intensively and every few weeksfertilize with a weak solutionof fertilizer for conifers. In summer, it is recommended to place the araucaria in the garden in a semi-shaded place, it can be pitted. In winter, it has a dormant period, so it should be kept in a bright and cool (6-8ºC) place - during this time it is watered very sparingly. Toohigh temperatureand excess watercause the leaves to turn yellow.

In Poland,araucaria is better known,calledpeace herringbone,grown as apotted plant. Araucaria has much thinner,light green needlesand overhanging twigs. This species in Poland cannot becultivatedinin the ground.It can only be exhibited in the summergarden.

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