P:I am a beginner gardener. I would love to plant a high-growing rose in a container. In this regard, I have a few questions. Does an already planted rose require special care? How to protect it for the winter? Do you need to trim it and replant it? And most importantly: can it be filled with something permanently?
O:Rose in a container requiressystematic wateringandfertilization , because the food and water resources of the substrate limited by the pot are depleted quickly. It is best to use slow-acting fertilizers, which in March we spread on the surfacesoilandlightly we cover Then we will avoid over-fertilization, because the nutrients of these fertilizers are released gradually.Rose limeshould be planted in a large pot 50-60 cm deep and secured with a strong stake. The substrate should be fertile and well-drained.Pour DrainageAt the foot of the rose you can plant cover plants with similarrequirements aquaticandfoodThey can be annuals and perennials, alsoherbs
Forwinter the potshould be protected against frost by wrapping it e.g.foilbubble wrapand isolate from the bottom fromconcreteThe crown and the grafting site should be covered with agrotextile. The pot should be placed in a place sheltered from the wind. In March, the covers can be removed, and inApril , when the buds show, cut the shoots tightly, leaving 3 stitches on each, trying to leave the last bud on the outsidethrone rush All thin, withered or damaged shoots are cut out. During floweringtrim fading flowersover the second pair of leaves.
P:How to grow turmeric in apartments?
O:Turmeric Curcuma , also known as turmeric, was once quite a rare plant in apartments. Currently, more and more species and varieties of this genus can be found infloristsThis genus includes about 70 species found in the tropics. They belong to the Zingrberaceae family, and the most common representative of this genus is Curcuma zedoaria ( turmeric spotted ,turmeric spotted ), available as a potted plant. It is a perennial with a rhizome with tubers. Turmeric is valued not only for itsqualities decorative , but also its utility value (spice is made from its rhizome). Turmeric is related to Curcuma longa and it is from its rhizome that the well-known spice is produced.
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Kurkuma (Photo: Fotolia.com) |
Turmeric is a demanding plant that requires plenty of moisture and warmth (18-23ºC).Requires light positions,but sheltered fromdirect sunlightWater and fertilize moderately during the growing season. Only the substrate should be wet, therefore any water on the base should be removed. After flowering, throw the turmeric off or, if we have enoughpatienceand time,winterIts flower appears three months after planting and lasts until September, that is, it blooms for about 3 months.
After fading out, it can be cut. Turmeric at the end of thegrowing season die off leaves , and when they die (late autumn), move the plant to cool and a dry place (10-15 ° C).Then we do not water it, because it must have a completely dry substrate. We winter it until spring, when we start transplanting (then we can dividerhizomes ). Water the newly planted plants when buds appear ortops growth