PiO: care for potted plants and sowing lilies

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Can lotus seeds germinate?

P:I got lotus seeds last year. Is there any chance that they will sprout? Is it possible to grow these plants in our conditions, e.g. in a winter garden in a pond?

O:Lotusesreproduces by dividing rhizomes or from seeds sown in early springsingly in pots , after first sawing the shells. The pots are placed inshallow waterAfter three months of cultivation, young rhizomes can be planted in the basin.In our climate,lotusis grown insunny greenhouses , inpools with water at 30-35ºC.

You can take the plants outside during the summer, remembering that they likewarmanda lot lightIn autumn, when they come to rest, the rhizomes are removed with buckets and kept warm, keepingconstant humidity substrateIn spring, the rhizomes are replaced with fresh ones , fertile land, andcontainers puts again in the water

Sowing lilies

P:In spring, I sowed lily seedlings and harvested them in the fall of the previous year. They came up nicely and grew in a pot to a height of 15 cm. I don't know how to deal with them in winter. Should I leave them in the pot and pock them in the garden, or take them home?

O:Seedlings liliiLilium regale, L. henryi, L.davidii, L. concolor and hybridslily trumpetandAsianafter the production of the second true leaf, it bursts, and blows up in the fall. Seeds of these speciesare sown inboxes in spring, germinating quickly, showing the cotyledons first. On the other hand, seeds of L. martagon, L. auratum, L. speciosum and hybridslilies orientalare sown immediately after harvesting into boxes inwarm greenhouse

Liliowiec (Photo: Fotolia.com)

Liliessprout very long , after forming bulbs from the seed, they immediately show proper leaves. The boxes are then moved tocool place(2-5ºC), and planted into the ground in spring.The description shows that the seedlings belong toof the first groupandin autumnthey should be planted in gruntu we proper place

Potted ivy care

P:I have pot ivy. He is standing next to the window, so he has a lot of light, but he does not develop well, his leaves dry, he looks burned. Maybe it should be further from the window? I am asking for advice on how to care for it.

O:Most plants should not stand next to the window withoutcover at least curtainsFalling directly onplantrays sunbeamsactually burn her, causingdrying outandsinkingleavesIvy should stand about 1 m from the window. Variegated varieties can stand closer, but also not directly in the sun. In winter, plants should be incooler room , color varieties can be inwarmer places

When watering in winter, follow the rule:the colder the room, the less waterYoung plants are transplanted to flower soil every year. During the growing season, ivy is fed with fertilizers forgreenorornamental leaves

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