O:Later cherry varieties are sprayed from the second week of fruit ripening. In mid-May, yellow sticky tablets should be hung on the trees, which will show when the first fly-out flies took place. After 7-8 days from the departure of the flies at the temperature above 15 ° C, you can start sprayingTo perform such a spraying, a fine-drop sprayer powered by a motor is required, which will ensure the tree is thoroughly covered with the preparation.
When the temperature in this period is lower and it rains, you have to wait a few days with the treatment, because measures in lower temperatures will not work.The procedure should be repeated after June 20. Pre-hung signs will show when exactly to start spraying.Spraying, to be effective, should be carried out in the entire neighborhood, not just in one garden.Besides, attacked fruit must not be left on the tree or under it.
In such fruits the larvae finish their development, they come out of them, burrow in the ground and stay in it until the next year. Therefore, in the second half of July, the soil around cherries should be gently dug in order to partially destroy the pupae.
O:The culprit of "worming" cherries is the trześniówka seedfly. It is a small fly - about 3.5 mm long - with wings with clearly visible brown stripes.From July of the previous year to the end of May of the following year, it remains in the soil in the form of a few millimeters of yellow-brown barrel-shaped beanberry.It usually flies out at the turn of May and June, usually during the flowering of locust trees, known as acacia.
The fly flies for about 1.5 months, so one spraying 7-8 days after catching the first flies for yellow sticky traps is not enough to control it. These traps can be purchased at plant protection stores. They are hung in mid-May.In the event of cold and rainfall after the fly out, the treatment should be delayed for the number of days when the temperature is below 14ºC, because spray preparations are used at temperatures above 15ºC.The second treatment should be repeated in the third decade of June.To perform this spraying, you need a suitable, fine-drop sprayer that covers the entire tree.
Preventively, not a single wormy cherry should be left on the tree. They should be collected as soon as possible to prevent the larvae from descending into the soil. In the second half of July, the soil around the cherries should be thoroughly dug to mechanically destroy at least some of the pupae. When the flies are flying out of the soil, the area under the trees can be covered with a dense mesh that will prevent them from rising to the surface.The above-mentioned treatments should be performed by all neighbors, otherwise they will not be effective.
While picking cherries, grabs the fruit stalk with your fingers, twists it slightly and bends it upwards. The cockles belong to the group of soft cherries and easily fall off the stalks.