P:On my cherries suddenly, in one day, all the flowers withered and turned brown. Was the plant affected by disease?
O:Yes, it is a fungal disease called stone rot of stone trees, affecting many species of trees, not only fruit, such as tonsils. It is favored by rainy weather.Symptoms are rapidly browning and wilting flowers. Infected flowers remain on the tree.This disease is often accompanied by rubber leakage. The fungus can penetrate the shoots, causing them to die.
Soothing cherry tea
The infection may also occur during the ripening of the fruit. On wet days, a gray-brown coating of the fungus may appear on the affected organs.Infected fruit may be thrown by the tree or remain on the shoot, wrinkle and mummify.
The fungus hibernates in infected fruit and shoots, and in spring it produces spores which are the source of the primary infection.Infected fruit should be removed from both the branches and under the tree, and the shoots should be trimmed about 5 cm from the border of the infected tissue, preferably cut with a large supplySpraying should be done prophylactically just before flowering and repeat during flowering.
Plums need to be sprayed three or four times: in the white bud phase, when fully flowering and before harvesting. It is also effective against scab, fine leaf spot, gray mold and white leaf spot.