To have gestures and a beautiful lawn for years is the dream of every lawn owner. Meanwhile, each year brings the same problems. Some of the clumps did not survive the winter or the drought and fell out.In addition, there are mechanical damage, many seeds were one-year-old and none of them will grow any more, there are losses, the lawn is thinning.Subsequent seedings and treatments bring a short-term effect, usually for a year. Many homeowners eventually give up and accept that their lawn looks far from as expected.
The solution, whether we are setting up a lawn or renovating it, can be the right selection of the seed mixture.Individual species differ in terms of requirements, durability, resistance to wintering and trampling, as well as the color and texture of the turf. Regardless of their type, most of them have one thing in common - one clump grows from one grain. Next, the clump grows, thickens and this is where the process ends.Such grasses must be sown densely enough to tightly cover the entire surface of the assumed lawn, so we must purchase a significant amount of them.
What's more, bearing in mind that not all seeds germinate, survive the winter, and in the event of damage to the clump, it will not grow back, we return to the problem mentioned at the beginning - recurring losses, thinning and others.As a result, despite the dense sowing, we will have to sow the seeds in empty places again, sometimes even several times.
It is worth taking a look at the new type of grass - self-compacting by rhizomes.It is the result of several years of research and breeding, it contains runner ryegrass, the so-calledRPR and found its way to the gardens of professional football pitches.What's so unique about this apartment? The fact that it creates rhizomes (runners) that constantly develop to the side.
Initially, one seed grows into one clump.Simultaneously with the growth and thickening of a clump of grass, it releases rhizomes (stolons) to the sides, from which new small clumps of grass grow. They also release the runners over time, and so on endlessly.Thanks to this, the lawn constantly grows and fills up the free space, all losses and damage. This allows you to significantly save on the constant sowing of new seeds after winter, drought or simply mechanical damage to the turf.
As a result, we obtain a dense turf, inaccessible to weed seeds, so we can forget about their problematic removal! An additional advantage of this innovative mixture is much faster emergence compared to ordinary grasses. The seeds of self-compacting grass germinate after about 7 days, i.e. a week earlier than traditional mixtures, and their emergence begins at a temperature of 2-4 o C lower.They also perfectly withstand winter temperatures and very low and frequent mowing.
This unique, self-thickening feature will help us achieve a long-lasting effect - we can have gestures, uniformly green and, above all, a durable grass carpet known from stadiums in our own garden.And it is done in a short time, saving time, repetitive expenses of many treatments, weeding and additional seeding.
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