Mid-December is the time to look for a Christmas tree. At points of sale, we have a choice of trees without roots, i.e. cut trees (from plantations), and in pots - with a root system.In order for them to decorate our apartments for a long time, it is worth following the rules below.
Well, rootless trees, such as Norway spruce, blue spruce, Serbian spruce or Douglas fir, needles fall and this is a completely normal process.To delay it, place the trees away from heat sources ( stoves, radiators) and in the coolest possible room. The air humidity should be increased by placing a wide and flat vessel with water under the tree.
The tree with roots should be additionally watered regularly.Important! We keep such a tree indoors for no longer than 3 weeks, otherwise the growth process will begin.
After Christmas, it is best to plant them or put them in the garden, or keep them until spring in a cool, light garage.Remember to water all the time.If you keep the tree on the balcony, you must protect it the root system before it freezes over and systematically water it.