Beautiful irises

KosaciecIris is one of the few garden plants that can boast flowers in almost all colors of the rainbow.Petals floralThese beautiful flora can range in color from white to creamy, to lemon, orange, to various shades of purple and velvety black. The flowers are exceptionally elegantveiningThis explains why irises were considered valuable plants already in the Middle Ages, and later, together withrosesandwith lilies , decorated the palace gardens of magnates.

Variety of iris: Iris and Apogon sections

The whole genus is divided into a number of sub-types or sections. They differ significantly from each other and have different uses in gardens. The most popular areirises rhizomatouswith Iris and Apogon sections.

The Iris section brings together most of the cultivated garden varieties, and it includes bearded irises. All garden varietiesbearded iriscross-breeding have a more or less developed "beard", i.e. a strand of yellow, orange or white hairs at the base of the lower petals.

The section Apogon includes, among otherskosaćce SiberianLeaves of this group of irises are lush green, narrow, sometimes hanging down picturesquely and are decorative until late autumn. The flowers of Siberian iris are relatively small, but they appear in huge numbers.

Iris care

All irises prefersunnypositionsThe most serious differences are revealed in terms of soil requirements. Hybrids of the bearded iris are particularly suitable for cultivation in dry, even stony ground. Siberian iris take on well in wet ground sites, and shallowpond waterare natural habitats for yellow iris. The scythes do not tolerate wet ground, so already at the planting stage you should choose a place whererain water

The optimal solution would be planting plants in elevated positions:earthy embankments ,elevations , everywhere where the water drains away quickly. Additionally, the planting soil can be mixed with a bit of coarse sand, which will make it even more permeable. We plant scythes directly below the ground surface. Under no circumstances can they be planted deep, as they will rot quickly. Kosaćcebeards are best planted shortly after flowering. In early autumn, they should also be fed with a mineral complete fertilizer with a low nitrogen content. You also need to make sure that the roots are not choked by weeds. For the same reason, companion plants should be planted at a safe distance from iris.

Bearded scythes

Bearded scythes can be divided into three groups, the basic criteria being the height of growth and the flowering time. Kosaćce low, also called dwarf (up to 40 cm), such as the 'Adrienne Taylor' cultivar, open the season in the second half of April. The 'Adrienne Taylor' variety reaches a height of 30 cm and is therefore perfect for growing in pot gardens and rockeries. Medium Kosaćce, like 'Elegant', bloom in early May. Their flower stems grow to a height of 40 to 70 cm. The last subgroup are tall irises.In these varieties, not only the length of the shoots, rising to a height of over 70 cm, is impressive, but also the size of the flowers. Tall varieties bloom at the end of May, at the same time as poppy and sage. Among the new tall varieties, 'Merlot' is worth noting.

Bearded iris care

The rhizomes of these iris perfectly store water and food and, unlike the Siberian iris, they are able to survive even in slightly moist soil. Since in natural conditionsiris beardedhave to contend with living in a barren, rocky ground, their long roots spread shallowly beneath the ground. The soil around the plants should therefore not be weeded with a hoe, but weeded by hand. Faded iris petals do not fall off spontaneously, so the flowers should be removedpruning shearsThanks to this they still look attractive, and they do not waste energy on tyingseed boxes

Siberian iris

The Siberian iris blooms in spring, painting meadows with blue ribbons of flowers. In home gardens, cultivars withyellowandwhiteflowers have also become popular. A novelty among the last is the 'Dreaming Late' variety. We plant the roots a little deeper, in spring we feed the plants strongly and water them, because Siberian irises like the substrateslightly moistand above all rich in food. In the beds surrounding the pond, the Siberian iris thrives perfectly in the company ofwielosiuandfullerHowever, unlike the yellow iris, it cannot grow in water. After flowering, remove the browning parts of flower shoots from the plants.Leavesas they are still very decorative. Only in autumn, when they are completely wasted, they should be trimmed.

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