Apple trees, cherries, plums, pears as well as currants are resistant to low temperatures in winter.The autumn planting date is recommended for these species. You can practically plant them until the ground freezes.
While peaches, nectarines and cherries are safer to plant in spring. When planting in the fall, we do not cut the trees after planting. It is better to postpone this activity until spring.Trimmed branches freeze in winter more easily.
Maturity is achieved by late autumn and winter apple varieties. Fruits intended for longer storage should be picked carefully. Each fruit must be with a stalk.Fruit torn, with symptoms of diseases or bitten by pests are not suitable for storage.
Also those that have fallen off the tree will not stay too long, so you have to use them first.The latest varieties, such as' Jonagold ',' Alwa ',' Idared ',' Szara Reneta ', collected in good time, can be stored in a cool cellar even until January and February.
At the end of the month, when all the leaves have fallen off the trees, we rake them right under the trees. This is important, especially in the case of apple trees, because Venturia inaequalis spores develop on fallen leaves in winter, causing apple scab. By removing the source of infection, we will help protect plants in the new season by reducing infestation of leaves and young seedlings.
Leaves from fruit trees have little tannins, which means they decompose quickly. So they are perfect for compost.To speed up the decomposition of leaves by soil microorganisms, add some nitrogen fertilizer, e.g. urea or nitrate, to the composter.