Almost all types of nuts known in Poland and in the world (walnut, hazel, cashew or pistachio) are perennial plants and most often large trees, the edible fruits of which are formed in the above-ground part.In warmer countries, another nut-bearing plant is cultivated, which, however, unlike other species, produces seeds not in the crown of the tree, but underground.And it is for this reason that this species was called the peanut Arachis hypogaea.
Peanut is an annual plant, very similar to a large clover.What is unusual about peanuts, also known as peanuts, is where and how the fruit is produced. When the plant blooms and yellow flowers appear, pollination occurs.Then the flower stalk begins to lengthen and continues towards the soil.After contact with the ground, it goes deeper, pushing the pod to a depth of several centimeters, which begins to grow there. The sight of the peduncle growing day by day is an extremely interesting and fascinating experience.
Once the seeds are ripe, dig up the entire plant and pods. After a little drying, the pods are torn off.Seeds obtained from plants growing in your own garden are often smaller than those bought in stores, but equally valuable.Fresh seeds, shelled immediately after harvest, are extremely tasty.
In Europe, peanuts are grown mainly in France, Italy and the Balkans. However, we can also try our hand at cultivating them in our climate without major problems.Getting seeds is not difficult, because we can buy them in online stores.Raw seeds intended for birds also sprout quite well, which in turn can be obtained in pet stores.Unfortunately, peanuts (peanuts) bought by weight in grocery stores are not suitable for this purpose. The shelled nuts are also subjected to prior heat treatment and do not sprout.
Peanuts are best grown from seedlings. For this purpose, the seeds, after hulling from the pod, are soaked for a day or two in water and placed in pots filled with garden soil.Seeds are best sown in April to get ready seedlings at the end of May.The safest way to plant the seedlings is to start cultivation under covers in greenhouses or foil tunnels. Peanuts can also be grown in the ground, but in this case we only plant the plants in the garden when it gets warmer.
Good soil preparation is very important in the cultivation of peanuts. The soil must not be compact and dry.Only in light and well-drained soil with a lot of organic matter will the stalks with developing nuts be able to sink into the ground.
Peanuts contain a lot, i.e. about 25% of protein, as well as many valuable vitamins, minerals and fiber. They are also very caloric due to the fat content (about 50%), which, however, provides our body with valuable unsaturated fatty acids. Peanuts are a strong allergen and some people may be allergic to them.