Evergreen garden

Experienced gardenersknow that the most interesting decorative effects are obtained by combining plants with different, often extreme developmental characteristics. That's why you shouldn't plant gardens with only plantsforever greenor onlydropping plants leavesA valued skill is the way of arranging, thanks to which the garden changes constantly throughout the year and does not lose its attractive appearanceits attractive appearance

An interesting winter landscape is created, among others, by planting from the Pennsylvania maple Acer pensylvanicum orsassyAcer rufinerve, or another shrub with decorativebark , andlaurelorholly In their surroundings, low varieties of pine and other pine trees also look very nicenot high plants coniferous

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Mahonia pospolita (Photo: Fotolia.com)

Melancholic beauty of autumn

Evergreen trees and shrubs, like no other garden or park residents, dissipate the winter melancholy, which doesn't mean they don't have much to offer at other times of the year. Plant sculptures, called topiar, made of easy to trim and shape boxwood,yewandligustra , look interesting and effective all year round.

Due to the beautiful flowers, it is also worth planting rhododendrons, heathers, kalmia and large-flowered magnolia in the garden.Even greater is the choice of evergreen shrubs with ornamental fruit; here the decorative varietiesbarberry ,irgiandfireflySome varietiespierisa,and alsoGłogownik Frasera'Red Robin', they sprout red leaves in spring, the holly varieties do not lose their color all year round.

Dangers lurking in winter for evergreen trees and shrubs

In order to provide the evergreen plants with optimal wintering conditions, their growing place must be well prepared. In positions in full suntreesandshrubsmay suffer from the so-called physiological drought caused by the freezing of water in the substrate. Heated by the sunleaves increase evaporation , at the same time the roots cannot get water from the ground because the ground is frozen.

As a result, the leaves dry out and sometimes the entire shoots die. This phenomenon is additionally exacerbated bydry eastern winds Evergreen plants do not like windy and sun-protected places in the morning and noon hours. If necessary, the stands should be shaded. Infrostlessdays, the plants can be watered as long as the soil looks dry. Damage caused bydrought physiologicalhave serious effects, especially in young, newly planted shrubs.

However, evergreen also change their leafy attire. Large-flowered hybridsrhododendrondo this imperceptibly, shedding their oldest leaves during thecourse throughout the seasonEvergreen shrubs have a different tactic. These keep the old leaves until spring, then replace them completely with new ones. This group includes, among others privet 'Atrovirens' andognikThe third group consists of the so-calledshrubs evergreen , likeazaleas JapaneseDepends on variety and weather conditions, these shrubs lose more or less of their leaves in winter, and shed the rest in spring, immediately replacing them with new ones.

The ideal planting timetreesandshrubsevergreen with a root ball is the time of their dormancy, i.e. the period from the end of August to the end of April, of course withomitting period occurrence frostWe must remember that new plantings during prolonged, severe frosts must be protected withagrotextileorthick leaf lining Immediately after planting, young plants must be watered abundantly.

Evergreen trees and shrubs - suggestions from the editorial office of Moje Piekny Ogrod

Broad-leaved kalmia

Kalmia latifolia grows to a height of 2 meters. This evergreen plant is related torhododendronand, like him, must grow in a humus medium with little calcium.

Scarlet fire

The fruits of the scarlet fire start from the end of August with a very intense color. For garden cultivation, varieties resistant to scab are recommended, e.g.two and a half meters long'Orange Charmer'.

Japanese Pieris

Spring-summer metamorphosis Young leavespierisa JapanesePieris japonica 'Forest Flame' are red in spring, but turn green over time . The bushes reach a height of about 2 m.

Common mahonia

Beautiful autumn leaves Mahonia Mahonia x media 'Winter Sun' is one of the few evergreen shrubs whose leaves turn yellow to red in autumn. The bushes are up to 2 m high.

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