Decorative screening walls
We will feel fully comfortable in the garden only when at least some of its parts are sheltered and protected from the eyes of strangers from outside. First of all, theterrace adjacent to the house , where you can usually find little space for additional decor elements, should be covered with a tight fence. An evergreen yew or thuja hedge will take up little space, provided it is trimmed regularly.On the other hand, once installed wooden paneling walls do not need to pay too much attention. The so-called lamellas made of high-quality wood, e.g. larch wood, are very durable, resistant to various atmospheric phenomena and have a natural appearance.
Garden decorations
Decorative objects in the garden , such as ceramic figures, stone vases, fountains or bird drinkers, give the garden an individual, unique character. Moreover, such a decoration placed in the right place can distract the observer from a less attractive part of the garden or simply embellish it. However, in order for such accessories to have an appropriate impact on a given place, they should be placed in a thoughtful way. Remember that too many such items usually spoil the appearance of the environment, so it is worth following the principle: the less decorations, the better. On the other hand, decorative garden items always look beautiful in the company of surrounding plants, e.g.vines or roses.
Plant Individuals
Many carefully tended gardens, where the arrangement has gone a lot of work, look common and uninteresting, because either the wrong, though rare, plants have been selected, or the very popular species and varieties that we can see in the neighboring gardens. Meanwhile, even a few specimens of unique habit, clearly distinguishable from the surrounding shrubs and perennials, change the garden scenery. In this way, you can compose even small fragments of the garden. Small, slow-growing trees or tall-growing shrubs with a shaped crown, such as roses or Salix caprea willow with a bell-shaped crown, can be a striking element of any discount.
Places under trees
The garden without trees is poor and seems not to be fully decorated. However, its appearance will not be improved by single specimens growing straight out of the lawn or neglected flower bed.The tallest garden plants look best in the presence of ornamental flowering perennials or those with decorative leaves. Many species whose natural habitat was originally a forest find the best conditions for their development in shady places under the trees. Such stands are ideal, for example, for a blue-flowering coconut, yellow primrose and purgatory with purple flowers. The colorful flowers of perennials are harmoniously combined with, for example, decorative funkia leaves or cranberry leaves.
We mask the composter
Organic waste, mainly cut grass, plant shoots and rake leaves, transform over time intovaluable compost , which is why composters are created in gardens and plots of land. For functional reasons, the compost heap is very much needed, unfortunately, the aesthetics of the garden is often lost. That is why it is worth masking such a place. For this purpose, panel fences can be used, additionally planting them with annual climbers, or tall ornamental plants can be planted around the composter, e.g.Chinese miscanthus or mallow, as well as large-leaved plants such as rhubarb.
Discount at the wall of the house
If we want to revive an empty wall or cover its imperfections, it is worth preparing a graded discount between it and the path, which does not take up much space and will make the space directly next to the house much more beautiful. Plant the tallest species closest to the wall, e.g.mallow , and thenroses ,dividedand low-growingbellsThe color of the flowers we choose should match the color of the wall as much as possible. If the rebate is located directly under the roof (especially under the roof protruding beyond the outline of the building), the plants may lack water. Therefore, these places need to be additionally irrigated regardless of weather conditions.
How to hide garbage cans
Sorting garbage is a sign of care for the natural environment, but containers for various types of waste are not likely to decorate a garden or yard.That is why we recommend panel fences, special shelters, e.g. made of perforated steel sheet and wood, or tall, moldedhedges made of evergreen plants