"In the case of powdery mildew, I follow the medical principle that prevention is better than cure" - Monika Gorowa, Świebodzin
I have two grapevines. They climb the western and eastern walls of the gazebo in my garden.Last year, I cut them quite strongly to a height of three eyes and removed their withered shoots.I also fed both plants with grapevine fertilizer. The bushes bear fruit well and always produce good and sweet clusters.
I believe that this is largely due to the spraying. For those gardeners who have or intend to grow vines, I recommend the prophylactic use of copper.We can buy this preparation in any garden store.It works effectively and costs little (about PLN 10).It is in the form of a powder, so I mix the entire contents of the package with water, otherwise I would not be able to dose it precisely. Of course, I have too much of the solution then, but I use it for other plants.
Grooves and stains appearing on grape fruit - how to prevent it?
Dark spots, cracks or "cork" furrows on grapevine berries may have very different origins, eg fungal disease, spraying with plant protection agent, pest occurrence. For proper diagnosis, it is necessary to carefully inspect the entire plant (including leaves and shoots) and to fully assess the nature of the observed changes by a specialist. Contact your local garden center directly.
- says Dr. Eng. Tomasz Mróz
The first spraying is usually done at the turn of March and April. Powdery mildew spores winter in leaves on the surface of the ground, but can also survive on shoots. This and the next steps are to destroy any plague habitats on the twigs.
I leave the excess of the agent in a cool place, but not for long. I do two more sprays of it at four-day intervals.If I have some liquid left at the end - I use it for fruit trees and irises. I pour the rest to the sewage system and wash the sprayer thoroughly.
This triple spraying protects the grapevine against downy mildew. Copper should be used against apple and pear scab. It is also extremely effective in combating brown rot in stone trees.
Monika Gorowa