New home for plants

Moving to a new home opens a new chapter in everyone's life.This is not an easy situation for garden owners who have put many years of work into the creation of their green kingdom, often collecting very rare plants.Leave it all and start over? Yes, but only if we take some of the plants with us.

Moving the garden

With good organization, you can have a lot of plants. The most important thing is to start planning early enough. It's summer and we are planning to move in the spring?Very good - we gain time to collect seeds from our favorite flowering species. Seeds should be stored in the described bags in a cool, dry place.

Smaller trees and shrubs are dug up in early spring and either transplant into plastic buckets or, as is done in nurseries, ballot.The tree should be dug up around the trunk at a distance of 2/3 of the crown radius, the lump is lifted with a spade, trying not to damage the roots.It is necessary to pay attention to the ratio of the volume of the root mass to the crown, ideally it should he would be 1: 1.

If you can see clear disproportions, trim the above-ground part of the plant during planting. Even older trees can be transplanted, but in this case it is not possible without the help of a specialized company (with specialized machines that enable planting and transporting trees that are even several decades old). On a micro scale, trees are transplanted through woody cuttings.It is worth recommending them especially for fast-growing trees and shrubs, such as forsythia, currants, budleja, which in 2-3 years reach the height of a small hedge.

Transplanting perennials

Perennials are very suitable for carrying out. They can be dug up and cut into small cuttings and placed in pots or other small containers for transport. There is no problem with perennials that are already blooming. Perennials in the process of flowering require more time. Flowers have to be removed and dug out with as much root ball as possible.They cannot be divided during this period.The same is done with plants that are before flowering. Such specimens in a new place must be planted quickly, well watered and shaded.

When moving plants in summer, you should avoid extremely hot days, and when carrying them in winter - very frosty ones, especially when we have a long way to go or there is a risk that we will get stuck in a traffic jam.It seems obvious, but in the heat of preparations, packing the plants is usually a secondary issue.

Removal care

Therefore, we remind you to thoroughly irrigate all plants before transport and place them in buckets or plastic tubs for the duration of the journey. We should also remember that water-soaked root blocks multiply the mass of plants.Plants transported in winter should not be watered before departure.The containers are wrapped with a thick layer of newsprint, the insulation is wrapped with bubble wrap and taped with adhesive tape.

Certain rules of transport are universal, regardless of the season. Plants with a wide crown (this also applies to indoor plants) are tied in a sheaf or wrapped with newsprint, mesh or bubble foil. Place the plants in the luggage compartment at the very end.If the transport takes place in the summer, after reaching the destination and unloading the car, water it immediately.In winter, leave the plants in a sheltered place and wait for a frost-free day - then we can plant.

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