They are not afraid of heat and dust

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Certain features will help us to learn about the natural conditions of plants. And so, plants from sunny and dry locations usually have a compact shape, strong-stems, small leaves, - duo-oval or curved-or-mo-green, leather, and coarse-white. These plants are able to enjoy water and protect themselves from the sun. Their trance is limited by a tight and thick skin, air-to-air, as well as a layer of resin or calcium.They usually have gray-green-green, silver-colored or white-hair on their skin.

War-to look at the by-li-nom blooming-summer, which come-from-points, ste-pes, prairies or re-joins high-mountainous and adhered to the dry-seated-dli-ska or-bo kli-ma-tu. There are a lot of such stuff, so you will surely be able to choose the most suitable our garden.

The review will start with beautiful-blooming-yellow (and eyes-you-know-not-afraid-drier) by-lines: elm-blood -ko-wa-te-go and po-spo-li-te-go Achil-lea fi-li-pen-du-li-na i A. mil-le-fo-lium, the village of mis-so- uryjiski-go and shrub-ste-go Oeno-the-ra ma-cro-car-pa and O. fru-ti-co-sa, sis ver-ti-cil-la-ta. The yellow (in various shades) flowers of these polished perennials contrast with the dark colors of the flowers of other flowers. trees and green shrubs, bringing sunshine to the garden with it, and thus - quite independent of the -dyI-sno-yellow flowers-also has-a-seam rus-se-la Phlo-mis rus-se-lia-na - ory-gi-nal-na and little-u-all- on in Poland by-li-na. Her flowers are knit densely in numerous whorls on a 150 cm high flower-stem. The plants are ideal but not suitable for a cut flower, and the fruits look effective in the world too. That the-decker is a-perfect weed-killer, as it grows-quickly-spreads-well-covers-the-soil.

Unusual-eg-zo-tic-looks-like-try-to-ma gro-sta-staKni -pho-fia uva-ria. Its dense, slender clusters are made of tubular, hanging flowers, most often two-colored (yellow in the lower part of the flowers). -nu and after-orange, color-red, red or scarlet-above-them) appear from June to October. The try-to-my is up to a height of 130 cm, depending on the variety. They are quite dry, but in addition to the previously-exchanged, they grow better on the soil. - sick and carious.They belong to the long-lasting perennials, however, they are required for winter, especially young-de-plants, for-without-heat- e.g. a thick layer of leaves. Try-to-we look beautiful both on sunny rails and in groups of various sizes.

In the gravel-gardens you can-grow-that-day-van-for-two-b-sta Ver-ba-scum boom-by-ci-fe-rum, Two-year-old or short-lived-by-long. In the second year of cultivation, it exposes its-static, weak-branched-flower shoots-to-sta-new tall- bones up to 180 cm, on which densely sulfur-yellow flowers develop in July and August. Its ornamentation is also a silver-covered, razor-covered, white-cut leaves, arranged in an eye-catching set. you, forming in the first year of cultivation. The day-bath-tubs are perfect for na-tu-li-tangent-gardens, where they can grow on limestone, sandy-soils. -starter and poor-food ingredients. A similar place, or a dyp-there, ash-no-list-ny Dic-tam-nus al-bus and red-hot-red Cen-tran-thus ru-ber.The first of the aforementioned branches is a long-lived cotyledon with erect, stiff stems 80-100 cm high, the second is for short-lived perennials, 70 cm high. The plants of both branches have pink flowers, pink-red-red (in the thistle) and white and blooming in June and July or longer, if they are to be removed from over-blooming flowers.

Next to the spiky-head, you can put-a-mint-bone Fa-as-se-na Ne-peta x fa-as-se-nii due to the neat adjacent-to-her-lane-to-blue-blue-flowers, set in long-tusk-like-flowers . Ko-ci-mint-ka is a very long-deco-co-ra-cy-on (flowering-from May to September), for-this-it-it is suitable for more - the areas of perennial or grasses. Another-wide-so-so-so-wa-no-hot-jar-to-you He-lian-the-mum hy-bri-dum - zi-mo-green-na, ni -ska (15-25 cm) bush-vine, from mum-i to e-eat-ob-s-by-pa-on on sunny-flower-days.There should be no shortage of sunsets on larger feldspar-stones, flower-walls, flat-stone treasures, as well as on the border of the Ra-bat. They will-even-get-wet, dry, or frothy-froth.

Similar-like-requests-and-so-so-wa-no clove-rock-ni-what-you Pe-tror-ha-gia saxifra-ga 'Ro -set-te '. It is a particularly-valuable-by-len, because for a very long time it causes de-co-correlation, creating a clumps up to a height of 20 cm, on which from June to September, there is an ob-lusive and effective-flowering-very fine-li-lily- pink flowers. The rose-flowers also has a rosin-rose-gyp-so-phi-la rep-tans 'Ro-se' (value-value-loose-color -co-wa-by-li -na) and forming-protruding-clumps-30 cm high there are, which-pipes-women-flowers-with-ornate-long-rods-in-the-head-of-those-flowers-to-stands near-to- it smells toned. These by-lines are particularly effective during the blooming period (May - July), and they are suitable for slopes and walls of flowers. to-we.La-tem also enjoy-cooking in the sun Thy-mus mats and the most re-are-made-of-cats, most often flat-faced, de-co-rac-y-ne-coats.

Let us pay attention to the woolen-cloth Sta-chys by-zan-ti-na. It is worth to plant it because of the crisp, quite large and thick-but-not-usually-soft-leaves that cover-the-soil I will be in different places in the garden and can be a nice background, e.g. for narrow-leafed la-venda, Fa-as-se-na-mint-mint and sage-mossy on.

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