Of the forty species belonging to the genus of antirrhinas, only the greater Antirhinum majus is of importance in ornamental horticulture.It comes from the Iberian Peninsula and has been cultivated in European gardens since the 16th century.In its natural habitat it occurs as a perennial, but in Poland, due to freezing conditions, it is an annual plant, although it sometimes hibernates at not too low temperatures.
The Greater Snapdragon is also known as the Snapdragon. This common name refers to the distinctive flower shape that makes it easier for bumblebees to pollinate. Ancient Greeks associated snapper flowers with the nose.The Latin name Antirhinum is a combination of the Greek words anti (similar) and rhi (nose), meaning “nose-like.”Although the snapdragon blooms for quite a long time, it is worth knowing that we can extend its flowering period even longer.It is enough to remove the blooming inflorescences, thus preventing the setting of seeds.
If we want to have lion's mouths in the garden, we should decide on them in early spring (in March). The seeds are sown at home in boxes with soil for sowing or a little later on the seedbed. The seeds are very small, so we cover them with a thin layer of sand using a sieve. If we have some left over, we can store them until the next year, as they retain their germination power for several years.
Snapdragon seeds germinate after 10-15 days. We dive the seedlings in April, while in May we plant the plants on the target site at a distance of 20x20 cm or 30x40 cm, which of course depends on the strength of plant growth. It is worth remembering that it is also possible ( although not recommended) to sow seeds directly into the ground in the second half of April.And one more option: to buy ready-made seedlings, and even flowering plants. Since the larger snapper is not very sensitive to spring frosts, it is worth planting it into the ground early, especially since this treatment has a positive effect on its development.
The larger snapping shoot blooms profusely only on coarser soils - sandy loam, non-acidic and sufficiently moist throughout the cultivation period.It also needs sunny or slightly shaded places.During flower development, it is worth feeding the plants with a 0.2% solution of mineral fertilizers with a predominance of potassium. This is a necessary procedure and should be performed several times if the flowers grow in pots or boxes where the soil loses nutrients quickly.
Unfortunately, in cool and rainy summers, plants are often affected by the antirrhini rust (the pathogen Puccinia antirrhini). This fungal disease is easily recognized by the chocolate-brown spots (spore clusters) clearly visible on the leaves, especially on the underside.It is comforting that research is still being carried out on obtaining varieties resistant to this disease.