Mini-eye for balcony or terrace

A lake, pond or pond is an indispensable element of a garden for many people. The dream of seeing a water surface soothing to the senses can also be easily fulfilled on the balcony and terrace, by setting up a water garden in containers.The cultivation tanks can be of different sizes, but their depth should be at least 40-50 centimeters.The tank with a capacity of about 150 liters allows you to grow several species of aquatic plants, thus creating a substitute for a real garden water.

Such a garden can be set up without major obstacles on most terraces, but establishing a water garden on the balcony requires prior consideration as to whether its structure will withstand the additional load. Another problem is the transport of heavy tanks to higher storeys.

One solution may be to use tanks made of light materials, e.g. glass-fiber reinforced plastics. In addition to special tanks intended for this purpose, they can also be various types of construction or gardening containers, as long as they are durable (they do not crumble under the influence of UV rays) and non-toxic.

Unattractive plastic containers are usually placed in masking wooden or stone containers.In one such cover we can place several, e.g. 2-3 smaller containers.To stabilize them, the space between them is filled with a light foam for sealing windows.

The entire structure should be equipped with wheels that allow it to be moved, including hiding indoors for the winter.Additional equipment are miniature fountains or pumps forcing water circulation, which allows it to be oxygenated.

Water reservoir after the season

After the summer season you have to prepare the pond for the coming winter. Here are some of the most important treatments to follow.

Pruning : Water plants that grow heavily must be trimmed again after the season. Giraffe secateurs are very helpful in this.

Cleaning : Truncated shoot remains, as well as all other organic contaminants, such as leaves, must be fished out of the water with a landing net. Otherwise they will rot, causing less oxygen in the water and more algae (next year).

Accessories : Take pumps and other water installations not adapted to wintering in water from the pond. They need to be cleaned, preserved and stored in a safe place (not too dry, so as not to distort the seals, and not too damp, so as not to corrode). We winter fish in a pond if its surface is at least 6 m² and the depth is 1 m.

When the tank freezes, melt the ice in several places with hot water, never break it. Put a piece of polystyrene in the ice hole (you can put it in the water in autumn).

In the container water garden, plants of the coastal zone are usually grown, growing at a depth of up to 30 cm, such as Menyanthes trifoliata, Stratiotes aloides, yellow iris Iris pseudoacorus, Pontederia cordata cordata, Alisma plantago - aquatica, Hottonia palustris.

You can also plant dwarf varieties of the most popular water lilies Nymphea or floating plants such as Eichornia crasipes, Nile lettuce Pistia stratiotes or Trapa natans water nut.When selecting species, pay attention to the insolation of the site (most species prefer sunny locations) and the selection of an appropriate substrate for cultivation.

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