We make seedlings
At the beginning of February, we can start preparing fuchsia seedlings, long-shoot verbena and geraniums. The seedlings will be suitable for planting when the tips of the shoots are shortened to 5-8 centimeters.After cutting, place the cuttings in a moist substrate or a mixture of peat and sand and set aside in a bright place.
We can provide additional moisture from the air by covering the cuttings with plastic bags with prepared holes.The rooting process takes about two weeks, then we can transplant the young plants into small pots.When the new shoots reach a height of 4-5 centimeters, shorten them again to support branching.
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We transplant potted plants
In February, most houseplants come out of their dormant phase. The success of their re-development depends on a fresh and nutrient-rich substrate. It also does not hurt to change the pot to a larger one, especially in the case of more strongly growing young plants.When changing the substrate, take care of drainage at the bottom of the pot, excess water often adversely affects the plant's development.
After transplanting, the plant should be watered, after some time getting rid of the water that will accumulate on the stand.When transplanting the plant, it is also worth rejuvenating it by removing dry shoots and thoroughly cleaning its leaves.
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We cover the evergreen shrub
The sun begins to shine brighter in the early spring.In such conditions, evergreen plants - both deciduous and coniferous - transpire strongly. The problem in this case is the still frosty soil, from which plants cannot replenish the water losses caused by excessive evaporation.Unprotected plants tend to dry out quickly under such conditions.For shading plants, we can use white agrotextile or plastic covers with dense meshes.
We start the annual cut
We can start cutting the shrubs in early spring.The first treatment is performed on autumn raspberries, which cut all the shoots just above the ground.Thornless blackberry, however, only prune two-year-old or weak one-year-old shoots.Gently shorten the remaining ones and unfasten them on the support.
We wait with cutting fruit shrubs until the temperatures permanently rise above 0 ̊C.We start with gooseberries and currants, then trim apple trees.Cutting many other varieties of trees can be moved for the period after flowering.
We prepare seedlings
In the early spring, we can also prepare seedlings of early vegetables - celery, cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, onions or leek. If we prepare seedlings from seeds from our own crops, be sure to dress them.The substrate should be disease-free and not too rich in nutrients.An original peat substrate, specially prepared for seedlings, is best suited for this purpose. The seeds are sown not too densely.
We sow in the greenhouse
When the ground is already thawed, at the end of February, even in unheated greenhouses and frames, you can start sowing radishes, dill, onions and lettuce.For safety, we cover the sowing with non-woven fabric.