The magic of lovage

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It has been used as an aromatic spice for thousands of years, and its cultivation was popularized by the Benedictines. We are talking about the garden lovage, called the maggi herb, because it is used in the production of this popular spice.

It is a moderately demanding plant, it excels best on moderately light soils with a high content of organic substances, permeable and well-warming.It will not grow on dry, clay, catchment and heavy or acidic soils.

The most favorable places for lovage are sunny positions.Its cultivation will be successful throughout the country. Apart from the commonly used leaves as spices, the raw material is lovage root.It is used to treat renal failure and urinary tract catarrh, as it has a diuretic effect.

It also has a soothing effect on menstrual pain. Additionally, it can be used as an aphrodisiac. According to folk beliefs, lovage dug out with cut 1.10 at 6 am ensures good marriage.

For harvesting, the roots of two- or three-year-old plants are used, which we clean, cut lengthwise and dry at a temperature of up to 35 ° C.Low drying temperature preserves more valuable volatile substances contained in the roots .

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