It is said that garden owners are divided into those who like lawns and those who prefer flower meadows.These are two different garden ideas, two different approaches to maintaining and caring for it.
A flower meadow should be mowed once or twice a year, not earlier than at the beginning of summer (the less often we mow, the more lush it blooms). Of course, you can mow more often, e.g. repeating the mowing every 2-3 weeks, but this is dictated by purely structural reasons.
Meadow plants can be sown from early spring to late autumn.It is good if the substrate is kept in constant humidity during the first year.Fertilization is usually not necessary as the meadow plants are used to living in the spartan conditions of a soil poor in nutrients.
Seeds are usually sown by hand, preferably by mixing with sand to achieve even seeding. The grass is suitable for the meadow, incl. various species of fescue, moss, cocksfoot, timothy, and flowering plants: clover, meadow sage, daisy, knotweed, various species of carnation.
The meadow should be set up in a weed-free area, the general rules for preparing the substrate are similar to those used when setting up a lawn.When selecting plants, you can use ready-made, commercially available seed mixtures or try to prepare your own, e.g. from seeds harvested on their own in a meadow.
In most cases, they will be more durable and resistant to trampling, drought and mowing than their cultivated counterparts.Some meadow species sprout faster, others slower.Some of them bloom after a year, others only after 2-3 years.
1. Willowleaf Buphtalmum salicifolium, yellow flowers, developing from June to September, shoot height 50-60 cm.
2. Prunella grandiflora, purple flowers in apical inflorescences from June to September, carpet plant.
3. Field weed Agrostemma githago, one-year corn weed, height up to 90 cm, blooms from June to August, purple-lilac flowers.
4. Lesser meadowsweet Pimpinella salxifraga, tiny white flowers in umbels, blooms from June to September, shoots 30-50 cm high.
5. Muscovy Malva moschata, pink flowers, blooms from June to October, height 20-80 cm.
6. Tomka fragrant Anthoxanthum odoratum, tuft grass, height up to 1 m, blooms from May to July, the ears are yellow-green, the dried stalks smell strongly of coumarin.