Flowers for shade

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Garden owners often ask what can be done in places shaded by shrubs and trees -we.It is also a problem for people who have plots of land with large-leaved-trees with dense roots or eye-za-łe-pine-conifer. However, in order to respond to the question at the beginning, it is necessary to take into account many different factors. . First of all, before we start-to-cook and plant-plants, we have to know the conditions of the siege (type , fertility, soil moisture). It will always be advantageous to enrich the substrate with organic-substances (tor-fem, com-po-stem, finely divided and over-compacted bark).It is also necessary to decide on the choice of the style of the garden, i.e. whether it is to be, for example, a natural garden or just close to the natural -go, or maybe-country-style or new-red-dreams? And after-don't-dont-dare-design-a-garden-in-a-specific style-it's not easy at all, it might be better to devote them a specialized company? If-but-we-feel-able-to-finish this work-for-me, then it is worth using a few tips.

It is best to start with the simplest-planting-plants, i.e. with large-surfaces. Ground cover plants will be suitable for this, that is, those that have sprouting shoots or lanes. lazy. You can pick-up on one or two pieces, or sit-down a few pieces next to each other to create a path and the essence-tic-ruin, whose larger flats will bring order and harmony to the garden, at the same time becoming a significant mi-te background for other plants. The value of the cover plants is determined by the ability to cover the substrate compactly in the shortest possible time.

In shadowy gardens, the covering-ground is most often used on dyes and ivies.This-time-the list of plant species that performs this function is much longer. At the beginning, it is worth looking at the ga-tun-kom of the by-ropes blooming in spring before growing the leaves of trees and shrubs, i.e. when in the garden there is still a lot of light.

Among them, on the other hand:

Za-wi-lec ga-yo-wy Ane-mo -ne ne-mo-ro-sa - creating-white-female-bearer, Grain-no-spring flame Fi-ca- ria ver-na, ran-nik zi-mo-wy Eran-this hy-ema-lis - with yellow flowers, Koko-rycz pu-sta and full Co-ry-da-lis ca-va and C. so -li-da - with white and pink flowers.

These are low-growth or very-low-low plants, but you should remember that their above-ground parts after flowering-fail-fast-no-ka- I. They are especially recommended for natural gardens and parks, where they can grow among plants and greens, e.g.blusz-czu or ru -iwan-ki Japanese Pa-chy-san-dra ter-mi-na-lis al-bo among the plants that later stimulate-the-ideas, e.g. . some p-profiles or functions.

War is also to remember about the blossoming-in-heavenly delusions of the spring-dream-nej Omphalodes ver-naice-bu-li -cy sy-beryyjska Scil-la si-bi-ri-ca- ce-bu-lo-cane-plant, which becomes ob-fi - you are growing. Vio-la's various branches of violets bloom too early, pink-purple-violet-these-me-duns Pul-mo-na-ria, and some later horse -wa-lia ma-yo-wa Convalaria majalis, madder-won-na Ga-lium odo-ra-tum, tia-rel-la ser-co-wa-ta Tiarella cor-di-fo-lia o white flowers and ber-genia cheese-co-list-na Ber-genia cordifolia with pink flowers and the spring of Syria Wald-ste-inia ter-na- the one about yellow flowers. The last two trees have herbaceous-green or semi-evergreen leaves, de-co-rooted throughout the year.

The same type of leaves, but they are dark-green-green, glossy and leathery, they have a question-mark-after- li -ty ​​Asa-rum eu-ro-peum and the helix-po-spo-li -ta He-pa-ti-ca no-bi-lis.

One of the most valuable ground cover plants, effective during the entire period of go, there is also-that-god-thanks-k-o-o-y-ge-ra-nium ma-cror-r-hi-sum gni and ko-Pyt-ni-ka) form a very compact and even-straight run. In the shade of the trees, you can also feel other ga-tuns of bo-dziszków, such as the beautiful-blooming summer red booty -ny and large-wing-lobe.

/ ne-ra Brun-ne-ra (he has de-li-cant-like-like-like-like-not-too-to-a-je-e-jek) and the functions of Ho-st, especially when the subsoil is permanently moist, which these very gas-tunnels need more than the ones discussed before.

All the above-mentioned by-lilies grow-best on soil rich in humus -ca , o-un-obeyed or overturned and po-le-ca-ne are for planting under the trees -yes-ties.And just what to do with fallen leaves? Nothing needs to be done with them, since they are a perfect cover for perennials, and additionally, after -w-w-w-w-en-enriches-the-soil-humus. Under the high conifer trees, e.g. pine trees (if they do not grow too densely), the drug is administered all year round. -ki darkness. These trees usually grow on acidic soils and quite dry in the summer. Vin-ca bar-wines, oat-smack-oats, and Lu-zu-la pi-lo-sa i L. sy-lva-ti-ca - grass-like winter-green-by-lynes, ga-yoy-yellow La-mium ga-le-ob -do-lon and ja-sno-ta-pla-mi-sta La-mium ma-cu-la-tum - de-co-ra-cy-thanks to silver-razor-white-leaved -nia. They can also be found under leafy-trees.

In places like this, there are no-substitute-pa-pats, such as creating a compact winter-green-comforter -ce pa-prot-ka ordinary-na Po-ly-po-dium vul-ga-re or a v-dium Blech-num spi-cant - suitable for smaller and wet- the following surfaces.By the way, you know-you-know-it is also useful for creating ruin under leaves, logs or oaks. For this purpose, you can use, for example, the Ro-ber-ta Gymno-car-pium rober-tia-num, the-leaves on the tongue of the common tongue Phyl-li-tis scolopen-dium or pa-prot-ni-ka szcze-cin-ko-tooth-ne-go Polystichum se-ti-fe-rum.

Sa-dz-we eat-eat-at-a-time or in groups. Many of them also function as ground cover plants. Of these, the attention is paid to the litter of the genus of the bedbug Ci-mi-ci-fu-ga - by-lilies with pretty leaves and Tasty white flowers and trees Arun-cus dio-icus - a wide-growing-growing-growing-long-growing plant on the loose cream flowers. These plants grow best on humus and not too dry soils. For larger plantings, an 80-cm-high poly-flower-rose poly-leaved Po-ly-go-na is suitable. -tum mul-thi-flo-rum, very deco-co-reactive because of the leaves and flowers.An important place in the shadow-garden is also occupied by the manufactured Astil-be tapes, which are red, pink, lilac or white. The bad blossoms of flowers depend on the flowerpot and vary from June to October. An indispensable condition for their ob-fi-te-long and long-flowering is that they are sure-fertile, humus-rich and moist. on the soil.

In similar conditions, and even in a deep-deep-shadow, many-leaf-like-rod-ger-sje Rod -ger-sia. There is a lot of water in the base or the tongues of Li-gu-la-ria, the meaning of which is present in larger groups. armpits at the edges of the trees (in the penumbra), especially near water reservoirs.

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