Camellia camellia - planting, care, wintering, tips

More about the plant below:

Camellia (Camellia)

category : shrubs, potted

position : sun, partial shade

height : in containers up to 1.5 m

wintering : room, 10-15 ° C

frost resistance : up to -10 ° C

reaction soil : acidic

preferences soil : fertile, permeable, rich in organic matter

watering : a lot

color leaves/needles : green

color of flowers : white, pink, red, red-purple

shape : upright, shrubby

period flowering : March-May (indoor November-April)

seed : all year, indoors

reproduction:sowing, semi-woody cuttings, layering

persistence leaves : evergreen

application : balconies, terraces, rooms

pace height : medium

Camellia - silhouetteCamellia standCamellia - irrigationFertilizing camelliaCamellia - cuttingCamellia winteringAdvice

Camellia - silhouette

Camellia blooms in early spring with simple, semi-double or full flowers (depending on the variety) of white, pink, red or combined color.The leaves are evergreen.We advise you to buy plants in proven gardening.Late-flowering varieties are the best for growing on the terrace; in early varieties, flowers open already in winter quarters.

Camellias stand

Camellias prefer places where the sun reaches half a day.A special substrate for camellias or a substrate for rhododendrons, azaleas or hydrangeas should be used for cultivation.

Camellia - irrigation

The substrate should be kept in constant, moderate humidity throughout the year. We use soft water for watering.From time to time, sprinkle the leaves with soft water from the sprinkler.

Fertilizing camellia

Feed the camellias once a week with a special liquid fertilizer for the camellia from February to August.

Camellia - cut

Shrubs can be pruned after flowering if desired.

Camellia wintering

In order for the buds to develop well, the bushes are kept in the open air for as long as possible. We put them in the quarters when the first frost comes.In bright quarters, the temperature should not exceed 10-12 ° C, otherwise the buds will fall.The root ball must never dry out. Camellias can be exposed to the open air from March (in sheltered positions near the house).Replant the plant after flowering.


Camellias can be exhibited outside in March, but only if night frosts are no longer announced.

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