Autumn is for many garden ownersthe most beautiful season of the year.Only now the space is filled with a special kind of peace. In the gentle rays of the sun,delicate colors of bedding plantsand stronger shades of autumn colors of trees and shrubs shine, and the wind lazily moves openwork bladesornamental grasses.After full of colorsseason floralthe autumn atmosphere of the garden is relaxing and iswonderful lotionfor the soul. Among the perennials blooming in the third season of the year, autumn anemones occupy an increasingly important position.
Without exaggerationanemonecan be called the prince of the autumn garden. Japanese anemones, also called autumn flowers, gracefully present their cup-shaped flowers swaying on long, loosebranched shoots.They are 50-130 cm high and clearly tower over other perennials. Not very dense inflorescences look cute even from a distance and are very eagerly visited by bees.
The groupautumn anemonesconsists of:spider anemoneAnemone tomentosa,JapaneseAnemone hupehensis andgarden(hybrid) Anemone x hybrida. Cobweb anemone has large leaves and is distinguished by vitality and frost resistance.Japanese anemonecomes from China, where it has long been cultivated as aornamental plant.From China it came to Japan, and from there it was brought to Europe. In 1844, botanistRobert Fortunesent several specimens to England. After a few years, the anemone adorned some gardens inon the European continent.
In warmer climates,may be almost evergreen. Under favorable conditions, the plant can expand to form a perfect ground cover.Garden Anemoneis the general name for a cross with Himalayan Anemone vitifolia, distinguished by thick, woolly hairs on the underside of the leaves and usuallyflowers.
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Wild wolves can be found often in forests, especially in early spring (Photo: |
The most beautiful varieties of anemones are certainly tall anemones withsingle, light pink flowers.The very frost-resistant variety 'Robustissima' raises its large, delicate flowers high above most perennials in the bed.Of course, over the course of many decades, many other varieties have been bred withsingle flowersor semi-double flowers in white, pink and redpink.The earliest forms already bloom in August, and the late ones open their flowers in October. It is worth paying attention to some particularly attractive varieties.Anemone'Ouverture' develops pale pink single flowers very early, from July to August. Half-rose pink flowers adorn the shoots of 'Bressingham Glow' and 'Margarete'. On the white flowerbed, it is necessary to reserve a place forsingle variety'Honorine Jobert' and 'Wirbelwind' with semi-double flowers.
Lonely anemonesdo not feel very well on the autumn discount. Therefore, it is worth providing them with the company of other, late-flowering perennials, such as Violet-floweringasters ,pinkor whitetawułki Astilbe,CandlestickCimicifuga and Lythrum hemp, as well as tall speciesSpeedwellVeronica with blue flowers.Decorative leavessedgeCarex morowii 'Variegata',cranberriesHeuchera micrantha 'Palace Purple' and the plume of Mateuccia struthiopteris emphasize the charm of anemone flowers. The pink flowering shoots ofanemones autumn,gracefully hover over a dark green boxwood hedge. In addition, the shining red background of autumn leaves adds charm to the arrangement, e.g.Derenia kousaCornus kousa.
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Derenia kousa Cornus kousa (Photo: |
Autumn anemones feel great near thewater reservoir.They are also a good neighborhood for rhododendrons, whose leathery evergreen leaves are a perfect background for the delicate flowers of this perennial. Anemonesalso look very impressive in the company ofgarden hydrangea.The plants blooming at the same time are a great contrast to each other. Delicate swaying flowers of anemones optically soften the weight of hugespherical inflorescenceshydrangeas. Even the leaves of anemones, although quite large, but tri-lobed in dark green, are quite a contrast to the lighter and full-edge leaves of this shrub. Anemones are indispensable in Japanese gardens, both because of their pedigree and their airy appearance.
Job title
Autumn anemones feel best in sheltered and semi-shaded places, eg near bushes. However, they should not be planted too close to tall plants as they may not withstand root competition. If the substrate is rich in humus and not too dry, perennials will not be harmed by stronger sunlight.They also look great in the company of garden hydrangea.
Planting time
The best time to plant anemones is spring. By winter, they will have enough time to develop a strong root system, reaching up to 70 cm into the soil. For this reason, the place for anemones should be deeply cultivated.
Water and food
The spring dose of mature compost has a positive effect on the development of plants. In summer, during prolonged droughts, autumn anemones should be watered.
On discount
Young perennials are planted in small groups, 30-50 cm apart, depending on the height of the variety, in 3 to 5 pieces. During the year, the plants will spread by themselves through stolons.
Winter protection
In the first years, perennials will be protected against frost damage by covering them with a 15 cm layer of leaves already in October. In areas with harsher climates, as well as in unprotected places, anemones are worth covering each winter. Older specimens can be covered with a thinner layer.
We reproduce autumn anemones by dividing in spring. The division is done by tearing or cutting open clumps of plants. Remove the middle, oldest fragments. The seedlings are planted directly into the ground and watered abundantly. You can also cut off pieces of the root ball with shoots or young plants in the fall and then plant them elsewhere.